open Result.Monad_infix
let dbg fmt = Debug.make "BAM" fmt
let check b e = if b then Ok () else Error e
let signed_int ~buf ~pos =
let b1 = Char.to_int buf.[pos + 0] |> Int32.of_int_exn in
let b2 = Char.to_int buf.[pos + 1] |> Int32.of_int_exn in
let b3 = Char.to_int buf.[pos + 2] |> Int32.of_int_exn in
let b4 = Char.to_int buf.[pos + 3] |> Int32.of_int_exn in
let i32 =
Int32.(bit_or b1
(bit_or (shift_left b2 8)
(bit_or (shift_left b3 16)
(shift_left b4 24)))) in
try Ok (Int32.to_int_exn i32) with e -> Error (`wrong_int32 buf)
let parse_header buf =
check (String.length buf >= 12) `no
>>= fun () ->
check (String.sub buf 0 4 = "BAM\001")
(`wrong_magic_number (String.sub buf 0 4))
>>= fun () ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos:4 >>= fun length ->
dbg "header length: %d" length;
check (String.length buf >= 4 + 4 + length + 4) `no
>>= fun () ->
let sam_header = String.sub buf 8 length in
dbg "sam header: %S" sam_header;
signed_int ~buf ~pos:(8 + length)
>>= fun nb_refs ->
dbg "nb refs: %d" nb_refs;
Ok (`header sam_header, nb_refs, 4 + 4 + length + 4)
let parse_reference_information_item buf pos =
check (String.length buf - pos >= 4) `no >>= fun () ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos
>>= fun l_name ->
dbg "l_name: %d" l_name;
check (String.length buf - pos >= 4 + l_name + 4) `no >>= fun () ->
let name = String.sub buf (pos + 4) (l_name - 1) in
dbg "name: %S, (String.sub buf 4 l_name): %S" name (String.sub buf 4 l_name);
check (buf.[pos + 4 + l_name - 1] = '\000')
(`reference_information_name_not_null_terminated (String.sub buf 4 l_name))
>>= fun () ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos:(pos + 4 + l_name)
>>= fun l_ref ->
Ok (4 + l_name + 4, name, l_ref)
let parse_reference_information buf nb =
let bytes_read = ref 0 in
let error = ref None in
let refinfo =
(Array.init nb (fun _ ->
match parse_reference_information_item buf !bytes_read with
| Ok (read, name, lref) ->
bytes_read := !bytes_read + read;
dbg "parse_reference_information_item: %d %s %d" read name lref;
(name, lref)
| Error `no -> failwith "NO"
| Error other -> error := Some other; failwith "ERROR")) in
`reference_information (refinfo, !bytes_read)
| Failure "NO" -> `no
| Failure "ERROR" -> `error Option.(value_exn !error)
let parse_alignment buf =
check (String.length buf >= 4 * 9) `no >>= fun () ->
let uint16 pos =
Binary_packing.unpack_unsigned_8 ~buf ~pos +
Binary_packing.unpack_unsigned_8 ~buf ~pos:(pos + 1) lsl 7 in
let uint8 pos = Binary_packing.unpack_unsigned_8 ~buf ~pos in
signed_int ~buf ~pos:0 >>= fun block_size ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos: 4
>>= fun ref_id ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos: 8
>>= fun pos ->
let l_read_name = uint8 12 in
let mapq = uint8 13 in
let bin = uint16 14 in
let n_cigar_op = uint16 16 in
let flag = uint16 18 in
signed_int ~buf ~pos: 20
>>= fun l_seq ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos:24
>>= fun next_ref_id ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos:28
>>= fun next_pos ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos:32
>>= fun tlen ->
dbg " block_size: %d ref_id: %d pos: %d l_read_name: %d mapq: %d
bin: %d n_cigar_op: %d flag: %d l_seq: %d next_ref_id: %d
next_pos: %d tlen: %d"
block_size ref_id pos l_read_name mapq bin n_cigar_op flag l_seq next_ref_id
next_pos tlen;
check (String.length buf >= block_size + 4) `no
>>= fun () ->
let qname = String.sub buf 36 (l_read_name - 1) in
check (buf.[36 + l_read_name - 1] = '\000')
(`read_name_not_null_terminated (String.sub buf 36 l_read_name))
>>= fun () ->
let cigar_buf = String.sub buf (36 + l_read_name) (n_cigar_op * 4) in
let seq = String.make l_seq '*' in
let letter = function
| 0 -> '='
| 1 -> 'A'
| 2 -> 'C'
| 3 -> 'M'
| 4 -> 'G'
| 5 -> 'R'
| 6 -> 'S'
| 7 -> 'V'
| 8 -> 'T'
| 9 -> 'W'
| 10 -> 'Y'
| 11 -> 'H'
| 12 -> 'K'
| 13 -> 'D'
| 14 -> 'B'
| 15 -> 'N'
| l -> failwithf "letter not in [0, 15]: %d" l () in
for i = 0 to ((l_seq + 1) / 2) - 1 do
let byte = uint8 ((4 * 9) + l_read_name + (n_cigar_op * 4) + i) in
seq.[2 * i] <- letter ((byte land 0xf0) lsr 4);
if 2 * i + 1 < l_seq then
seq.[2 * i + 1] <- letter (byte land 0x0f);
let qual =
Array.init l_seq (fun i ->
buf.[(4 * 9) + l_read_name + (n_cigar_op * 4) + ((l_seq + 1) / 2) + i]
) in
let aux_data =
let offset =
(4 * 9) + l_read_name + (n_cigar_op * 4) + ((l_seq + 1) / 2) + l_seq in
String.sub buf offset (block_size + 4 - offset) in
let alignment = {
cigar = cigar_buf ;
pnext = next_pos;
optional = aux_data } in
Ok (`alignment alignment, block_size + 4)
let uncompressed_bam_parser () =
let in_buffer = Buffer.create 42 in
let state = ref `header in
let next stopped =
let buffered = Buffer.contents in_buffer in
let len = String.length buffered in
Buffer.clear in_buffer;
dbg "uncompressed_bam_parser: len: %d" len;
begin match len with
| 0 -> if stopped then `end_of_stream else `not_ready
| _ ->
begin match !state with
| `header ->
begin match parse_header buffered with
| Ok (o, nbrefs, nbread) ->
state := `reference_information nbrefs;
Buffer.add_substring in_buffer buffered nbread (len - nbread);
`output (Ok o)
| Error `no ->
dbg "rebuffering %d bytes" String.(length buffered);
Buffer.add_string in_buffer buffered; `not_ready
| Error e -> `output (Error e)
| `reference_information nb ->
begin match parse_reference_information buffered nb with
| `no ->
dbg "(ri) rebuffering %d bytes" String.(length buffered);
if len > 50000
then `output (Error (`reference_information_overflow (len, buffered)))
else begin
Buffer.add_string in_buffer buffered;
| `error e -> `output (Error e)
| `reference_information (refinfo, nbread) ->
Buffer.add_substring in_buffer buffered nbread (len - nbread);
state := `alignments refinfo;
`output (Ok (`reference_information refinfo))
| `alignments refinfo ->
begin match parse_alignment buffered with
| Ok (o, nbread) ->
dbg "len: %d nbread: %d" len nbread;
Buffer.add_substring in_buffer buffered nbread (len - nbread);
`output (Ok (o : raw_item))
| Error `no ->
dbg "(al) rebuffering %d bytes" String.(length buffered);
Buffer.add_string in_buffer buffered; `not_ready
| Error e -> `output (Error e)
Biocaml_transform.make_result ()
~feed:(fun string -> Buffer.add_string in_buffer string;) ~next
let string_to_raw ?zlib_buffer_size () =
| `left l -> `unzip l
| `right r ->
match r with
| `no -> failwith "got `right `no"
| #Error.raw_bam as a -> `bam a)
(Zip.Transform.unzip ~format:`gzip ?zlib_buffer_size ())
(uncompressed_bam_parser ())
let parse_optional ?(pos=0) ?len buf =
let len =
match len with Some s -> s | None -> String.length buf in
let uint16 pos =
Binary_packing.unpack_unsigned_8 ~buf ~pos +
Binary_packing.unpack_unsigned_8 ~buf ~pos:(pos + 1) lsl 7 in
let from () = String.sub buf pos len in
dbg "from: %S" (from ());
let rec build ofs acc =
let error e = Error (`wrong_auxiliary_data (e, from ())) in
if ofs >= len then Ok acc
else (
if ofs + 2 >= len then error `out_of_bounds
else (
let tag = String.sub buf ofs 2 in
let typ = buf.[ofs + 2] in
let check_size_and_return n r =
if ofs + 2 + n >= len then error `out_of_bounds
else Ok (r, n) in
let parse_cCsSiIf pos typ =
begin match typ with
| 'i' ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos >>= fun v ->
check_size_and_return 4 (`int v)
| 'A' -> check_size_and_return 1 (`char buf.[pos])
| 'c' | 'C' -> check_size_and_return 1 (`int (Char.to_int buf.[pos]))
| 's' ->
check_size_and_return 2 (`int (
~byte_order:`Little_endian ~buf ~pos))
| 'S' -> check_size_and_return 2 (`int (uint16 pos))
| 'f' ->
let f =
~byte_order:`Little_endian ~buf ~pos |> Int32.float_of_bits in
check_size_and_return 4 (`float f)
| _ -> error (`unknown_type typ)
let pos = ofs + 3 in
begin match typ with
| 'A' -> check_size_and_return 1 (`char buf.[pos])
| 'Z' ->
begin match String.index_from buf pos '\000' with
| Some e -> Ok (`string String.(slice buf pos e), e - pos + 1)
| None -> error `null_terminated_string
| 'H' ->
begin match String.index_from buf pos '\000' with
| Some e -> Ok (`string String.(slice buf pos e), e - pos + 1)
| None -> error `null_terminated_hexarray
| 'B' ->
check_size_and_return 1 buf.[pos] >>= fun (array_type, _) ->
signed_int ~buf ~pos:(pos + 1) >>= fun i32 ->
check_size_and_return 4 i32 >>= fun (size, _) ->
(if size > 4000 then error (`array_size size) else Ok ())
>>= fun () ->
let arr = Array.create size (`char 'B') in
let rec loop p = function
| 0 -> Ok p
| n ->
parse_cCsSiIf p array_type
>>= fun (v, nb) ->
arr.(size - n) <- v;
loop (p + nb) (n - 1) in
loop (pos + 5) size
>>= fun newpos ->
Ok (`array (array_type, arr), newpos - pos)
| c -> parse_cCsSiIf pos c
>>= fun (v, nbread) ->
build (ofs + 3 + nbread) ((tag, typ, v) :: acc)
match build pos [] with
| Ok r -> Ok (List.rev r)
| Error (`wrong_auxiliary_data e) -> Error (`wrong_auxiliary_data e)
| Error (`wrong_int32 e) -> Error (`wrong_auxiliary_data (`wrong_int32 e, from ()))
let parse_cigar ?(pos=0) ?len buf =
let len =
match len with Some s -> s | None -> String.length buf in
begin match len mod 4 with
| 0 -> Ok (len / 4)
| n -> Error (`wrong_cigar_length len)
>>= fun n_cigar_op ->
Ok (Array.init n_cigar_op (fun i ->
let open Int64 in
let int64 =
let int8 pos =
Binary_packing.unpack_unsigned_8 ~buf ~pos |> Int64.of_int in
int8 Int.(pos + i * 4)
+ shift_left (int8 Int.(pos + i * 4 + 1)) 8
+ shift_left (int8 Int.(pos + i * 4 + 2)) 16
+ shift_left (int8 Int.(pos + i * 4 + 3)) 24
let op_len = shift_right int64 4 |> Int64.to_int_exn in
let op =
match bit_and int64 0x0fL with
| 0L -> `M op_len
| 1L -> `I op_len
| 2L -> `D op_len
| 3L -> `N op_len
| 4L -> `S op_len
| 5L -> `H op_len
| 6L -> `P op_len
| 7L -> `Eq op_len
| 8L -> `X op_len
| any -> failwithf "OP:%Ld" any () in
| e ->
Error (`wrong_cigar
String.(sub buf pos (pos + n_cigar_op * 4)))
let parse_sam_header h =
let lines = String.split ~on:'\n' h |> List.filter ~f:((<>) "") in
Result.List.mapi lines (fun idx line ->
dbg "parse_sam_header %d %s" idx line;
Sam.parse_header_line idx line
>>= fun raw_sam ->
begin match raw_sam with
| `comment s -> Ok (`comment s)
| `header ("HD", l) ->
if idx <> 0
then Error (`header_line_not_first idx)
else Sam.expand_header_line l
| `header h -> Ok (`header h)
let expand_alignment refinfo raw =
let {
qname ; flag ; ref_id;
pos ; mapq ; bin ; cigar ;
next_ref_id ; pnext ; tlen ;
seq ; qual ; optional ;} = raw in
let check c e = if c then Ok () else Error e in
check (1 <= String.length qname && String.length qname <= 255)
(`wrong_qname raw)
>>= fun () ->
check (0 <= flag && flag <= 65535) (`wrong_flag raw) >>= fun () ->
let find_ref id =
begin match id with
| -1 -> Ok `none
| other ->
begin try Ok (`reference_sequence refinfo.(other))
with e -> Error (`reference_sequence_not_found raw) end
end in
find_ref ref_id >>= fun reference_sequence ->
check (-1 <= pos && pos <= 536870910) (`wrong_pos raw) >>= fun () ->
check (0 <= mapq && mapq <= 255) (`wrong_mapq raw) >>= fun () ->
parse_cigar cigar >>= fun cigar_operations ->
find_ref next_ref_id >>= fun next_reference_sequence ->
check (-1 <= pnext && pnext <= 536870910) (`wrong_pnext raw) >>= fun () ->
check (-536870911 <= tlen && tlen <= 536870911) (`wrong_tlen raw)
>>= fun () ->
parse_optional optional >>= fun optional_content ->
Ok (`alignment {
query_template_name = qname;
flags = Sam.Flags.of_int flag;
position = if pos = -1 then None else Some (pos + 1);
mapping_quality =if mapq = 255 then None else Some mapq;
next_reference_sequence = next_reference_sequence;
next_position = if pnext = -1 then None else Some (pnext + 1);
template_length = if tlen = 0 then None else Some tlen;
sequence = `string seq;
quality = qual ~f:(fun x -> ok_exn (Phred_score.of_int x));
let raw_to_item () :
(raw_item, (Sam.item, _) Result.t) Biocaml_transform.t=
let name = "bam_item_parser" in
let raw_queue = Dequeue.create () in
let raw_items_count = ref 0 in
let header_items = ref [] in
let reference_information = ref [| |] in
let first_alignment = ref true in
let rec next stopped =
dbg "header_items: %d raw_queue: %d raw_items_count: %d"
(List.length !header_items) (Dequeue.length raw_queue) !raw_items_count;
begin match !header_items with
| h :: t -> header_items := t; `output (Ok h)
| [] ->
begin match Dequeue.is_empty raw_queue, stopped with
| true, true ->`end_of_stream
| true, false -> `not_ready
| false, _ ->
incr raw_items_count;
begin match Dequeue.dequeue_exn raw_queue `front with
| `header s ->
begin match parse_sam_header s with
| Ok h -> header_items := h; next stopped
| Error e -> `output (Error e)
| `reference_information ri ->
let make_ref_info (s, i) = Sam.reference_sequence s i in
reference_information := ri ~f:make_ref_info;
next stopped
| `alignment a ->
if !first_alignment then (
first_alignment := false;
Dequeue.enqueue raw_queue `front (`alignment a);
`output (Ok (`reference_sequence_dictionary !reference_information))
) else (
expand_alignment !reference_information a |> (fun x -> `output x)
Biocaml_transform.make ~name ~feed:(Dequeue.enqueue raw_queue `back) ()
let downgrade_alignement al ref_dict =
let module S = Sam in
let find_ref s =
begin match Array.findi ref_dict (fun _ n -> n.S.ref_name = s) with
| Some (i, _) -> Ok i
| None -> Error (`reference_name_not_found (al, s))
let qname = al.S.query_template_name in
let flag = (al.S.flags :> int) in
begin match al.S.reference_sequence with
| `name s -> find_ref s
| `none -> Ok (-1)
| `reference_sequence rs -> find_ref rs.S.ref_name
>>= fun ref_id ->
let pos = (Option.value ~default:0 al.S.position) - 1 in
let mapq = Option.value ~default:255 al.S.mapping_quality in
begin match al.S.sequence with
| `string s -> Ok s
| `none -> Ok ""
| `reference -> Error (`cannot_get_sequence al)
>>= fun seq ->
let bin =
let beg = pos in
let end_close =
pos + String.(length seq) in
match beg, end_close with
| b,e when b lsr 14 = e lsr 14 ->
((1 lsl 15) - 1) / 7 + (beg lsr 14)
| b,e when b lsr 17 = e lsr 17 ->
((1 lsl 12) - 1) / 7 + (beg lsr 17)
| b,e when b lsr 20 = e lsr 20 ->
((1 lsl 9) - 1) / 7 + (beg lsr 20)
| b,e when b lsr 23 = e lsr 23 ->
((1 lsl 6) - 1) / 7 + (beg lsr 23)
| b,e when b lsr 26 = e lsr 26 ->
((1 lsl 3) - 1) / 7 + (beg lsr 26)
| _ -> 0 in
dbg "bin: %d" bin;
let cigar =
let buf = String.create (Array.length al.S.cigar_operations * 4) in
let write ith i32 =
let pos = ith * 4 in
Binary_packing.pack_signed_32 ~byte_order:`Little_endian ~buf ~pos i32 in
let open Int32 in
Array.iteri al.S.cigar_operations ~f:(fun idx -> function
| `M i -> bit_or 0l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `I i -> bit_or 1l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `D i -> bit_or 2l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `N i -> bit_or 3l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `S i -> bit_or 4l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `H i -> bit_or 5l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `P i -> bit_or 6l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `Eq i -> bit_or 7l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx
| `X i -> bit_or 8l (of_int_exn (i lsl 4)) |> write idx);
dbg "cigar: %S" cigar;
begin match al.S.next_reference_sequence with
| `qname -> find_ref qname
| `none -> Ok (-1)
| `name s -> find_ref s
| `reference_sequence rs -> find_ref rs.S.ref_name
>>= fun next_ref_id ->
let pnext = Option.value ~default:0 al.S.next_position - 1 in
let tlen = Option.value ~default:0 al.S.template_length in
let qual = al.S.quality ~f:Phred_score.to_int in
let optional =
let rec content typ = function
| `array (t, v) ->
sprintf "%c%s" t ( ~f:(content t) v |> String.concat_array ~sep:"")
| `char c -> Char.to_string c
| `float f ->
let bits = Int32.bits_of_float f in
let buf = String.create 4 in
~byte_order:`Little_endian bits ~buf ~pos:0;
| `int i ->
begin match typ with
| 'c' | 'C' ->
let buf = String.create 1 in
Binary_packing.pack_unsigned_8 (0xff land i) ~buf ~pos:0;
| 's' | 'S' ->
let buf = String.create 2 in
Binary_packing.pack_signed_16 (0xffff land i)
~byte_order:`Little_endian ~buf ~pos:0;
| _ ->
let buf = String.create 4 in
Binary_packing.pack_signed_32_int i
~byte_order:`Little_endian ~buf ~pos:0;
| `string s ->
begin match typ with
| 'H' ->
let r = ref [] in
String.iter s (fun c ->
r := sprintf "%02x" (Char.to_int c) :: !r
String.concat ~sep:"" (List.rev !r) ^ "\000"
| _ -> s ^ "\000"
in al.S.optional_content (fun (tag, typ, c) ->
sprintf "%s%c%s" tag typ (content typ c))
|> String.concat ~sep:""
Ok {
qname; flag; ref_id; pos; mapq; bin; cigar;
next_ref_id; pnext; tlen; seq; qual; optional;}
let item_to_raw () :
(Sam.item, (raw_item, _) Result.t) Biocaml_transform.t =
let name = "bam_item_downgrader" in
let queue = Dequeue.create () in
let items_count = ref 0 in
let ref_dict = ref [| |] in
let ref_dict_done = ref false in
let header = Buffer.create 256 in
let rec next stopped =
dbg " queue: %d items_count: %d"
(Dequeue.length queue) !items_count;
begin match Dequeue.is_empty queue, stopped with
| true, true ->`end_of_stream
| true, false -> `not_ready
| false, _ ->
incr items_count;
begin match Dequeue.dequeue_exn queue `front with
| `comment c ->
Buffer.add_string header "@CO\t";
Buffer.add_string header c;
Buffer.add_string header "\n";
next stopped
| `header_line (version, ordering, rest) ->
if Buffer.contents header <> "" then
`output (Error (`header_item_not_first (Buffer.contents header)))
else begin
ksprintf (Buffer.add_string header) "@HD\tVN:%s\tSO:%s%s\n"
(match ordering with
| `unknown -> "unknown"
| `unsorted -> "unsorted"
| `queryname -> "queryname"
| `coordinate -> "coordinate")
( rest (fun (t, v) -> sprintf "\t%s:%s" t v)
|> String.concat ~sep:"");
next stopped
| `header (pretag, l) ->
ksprintf (Buffer.add_string header) "@%s" pretag;
List.iter l (fun (t, v) ->
ksprintf (Buffer.add_string header) "\t%s:%s" t v;
Buffer.add_string header "\n";
next stopped
| `reference_sequence_dictionary r ->
ref_dict := r;
`output (Ok (`header (Buffer.contents header)))
| `alignment al ->
if not !ref_dict_done
then begin
dbg "reference_information: %d" Array.(length !ref_dict);
ref_dict_done := true;
Dequeue.enqueue queue `front (`alignment al);
`output (Ok (`reference_information ( !ref_dict ~f:(fun rs ->
let open Sam in
(rs.ref_name, rs.ref_length)))))
else begin
match downgrade_alignement al !ref_dict with
| Ok o -> `output (Ok (`alignment o))
| Error e -> `output (Error e)
Biocaml_transform.make ~name ~feed:(Dequeue.enqueue queue `back) ()
let uncompressed_bam_printer () : (raw_item, string) Biocaml_transform.t =
let name = "uncompressed_bam_printer" in
let buffer = Buffer.create 4096 in
let write buffer s = Buffer.add_string buffer s in
let write_little_endian_int n buffer i =
let r = ref i in
for i = 1 to n do
Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.of_int_exn (0xff land !r));
r := !r lsr 8
done in
let write_32_int = write_little_endian_int 4 in
let feed = function
| `alignment ra ->
let l_read_name = String.length ra.qname + 1 in
let n_cigar_op = (String.length ra.cigar / 4) in
let l_seq = (String.length ra.seq) in
let size =
(4 * 8) + l_read_name + (n_cigar_op * 4) + ((l_seq + 1) / 2) + l_seq
+ (String.length ra.optional) in
dbg "raw_printing alignment: l_read_name: %d (qname: %S)"
l_read_name ra.qname;
dbg "starting buffer: %d size: %d" (Buffer.length buffer) size;
write_32_int buffer size;
write_32_int buffer ra.ref_id;
write_32_int buffer ra.pos;
write_little_endian_int 1 buffer l_read_name;
write_little_endian_int 1 buffer ra.mapq;
write_little_endian_int 2 buffer ra.bin ;
write_little_endian_int 2 buffer n_cigar_op;
write_little_endian_int 2 buffer ra.flag;
write_32_int buffer l_seq;
write_32_int buffer ra.next_ref_id;
write_32_int buffer ra.pnext;
write_32_int buffer ra.tlen;
write buffer ra.qname; write_little_endian_int 1 buffer 0;
write buffer ra.cigar;
let base4 = function
| '=' -> 0
| 'A' -> 1
| 'C' -> 2
| 'M' -> 3
| 'G' -> 4
| 'R' -> 5
| 'S' -> 6
| 'V' -> 7
| 'T' -> 8
| 'W' -> 9
| 'Y' -> 10
| 'H' -> 11
| 'K' -> 12
| 'D' -> 13
| 'B' -> 14
| 'N' | _ -> 15 in
for i = 0 to ((String.length ra.seq + 1) / 2) - 1 do
write_little_endian_int 1 buffer
(base4 ra.seq.[2 * i] lsl 4 +
(try base4 ra.seq.[2 * i + 1] with _ -> 0))
for i = 0 to String.length ra.seq - 1 do
write_little_endian_int 1 buffer
(try ra.qual.(i) with _ -> 0xff)
write buffer ra.optional;
dbg "ending buffer: %d size: %d" (Buffer.length buffer) size;
| `header h ->
dbg "raw_printing the header";
write buffer "BAM\x01";
write_32_int buffer (String.length h);
write buffer h
| `reference_information sia ->
dbg "raw_printing the reference_information %d" (Array.length sia);
write_32_int buffer (Array.length sia);
Array.iter sia ~f:(fun (name, lgth) ->
write_32_int buffer (String.length name + 1);
write buffer name;
write_little_endian_int 1 buffer 0;
write_32_int buffer lgth);
let rec next stopped =
match Buffer.contents buffer with
| "" -> if stopped then `end_of_stream else `not_ready
| s ->
dbg "s: %d" (String.length s);
Buffer.clear buffer;
`output s in
Biocaml_transform.make ~name ~feed ~next ()
let raw_to_string ?gzip_level ?zlib_buffer_size () =
(uncompressed_bam_printer ())
( ~format:`gzip ?level:gzip_level ?zlib_buffer_size ())