open Core.Std
open Biocaml_internal_utils
module Lines = Biocaml_lines
module Msg = Biocaml_msg
type header = (string * string) list
type section = {
sec_data:(int * float) list
type t = header * section list
exception Bad of string
let raise_bad msg = raise (Bad msg)
let (<--) a b = fun x -> a (b x)
let get_assoc_exn a l = List.Assoc.find_exn l a
let num_sections = List.length <-- snd
let data_type = get_assoc_exn "Data" <-- fst
let scale = get_assoc_exn "Scale" <-- fst
let genomic_map = get_assoc_exn "Genomic_Map" <-- fst
let alg_name = get_assoc_exn "AlgName" <-- fst
let alg_version = get_assoc_exn "AlgVersion" <-- fst
let coord_convention = get_assoc_exn "probe_coordinate_convention" <-- fst
let sections = snd
let section (_,secs) nm =
match List.find ~f:(fun s -> s.sec_name = nm) secs with
| None -> failwith (sprintf "section %s not found" nm)
| Some s -> s
let sectioni (_,secs) i =
match List.find ~f:(fun s -> s.sec_num = i) secs with
| None -> failwith (sprintf "section %d not found" i)
| Some s -> s
let to_list (_,sections) =
let f s =
let chr = s.sec_name in ~f:(fun (i,v) -> chr,i,v) s.sec_data
List.concat ( ~f sections)
module Parser = struct
let junk_blank_lines lines =
Stream.drop_while ~f:(String.for_all ~f:Char.is_whitespace) lines
let tag_value (s':string) : string * string =
let s = String.strip (String.drop_prefix s' 1) in
match String.split s '\t' with
| [t; v] -> (t, v)
| _ -> raise_bad (sprintf "invalid tag-value pair %s" s')
let header lines =
let lines' = Stream.take_while
~f:(fun s -> not (String.for_all ~f:Char.is_whitespace s)) lines in
let f accum l = (tag_value l)::accum in
let ans = List.rev (Stream.fold ~f ~init:[] lines') in
junk_blank_lines lines; ans
let section lines =
let tv lines = snd (tag_value (Stream.next_exn lines)) in
let seq_num = int_of_string (tv lines) in
let seq_name = tv lines in
let num_hits = int_of_string (tv lines) in
junk_blank_lines lines;
let lines' = Stream.take_while
~f:(fun s -> not (String.for_all ~f:Char.is_whitespace s)) lines in
let parse_line s =
match String.split s '\t' with
| [i; f] -> (Int.of_string i, Float.of_string f)
| _ -> raise_bad ("data row must contain exactly two fields")
let data = Stream.to_list ( ~f:parse_line lines') in
let data = List.sort ~cmp:(fun (p1,_) (p2,_) -> p1 p2) data in
let sec = {sec_num=seq_num; sec_name=seq_name; sec_data=data} in
if List.length data = num_hits then
(junk_blank_lines lines; sec)
raise_bad (sprintf "expected %d hits but found %d" num_hits (List.length data))
let of_file file =
let of_channel cin =
let lines = ~f:(fun (x : Lines.item) -> String.rstrip (x :> string)) (Lines.of_channel cin) in
let err msg = Msg.err ~pos:(Pos.make ~source:file ~line:(Stream.count lines) ()) msg in
let hdr = header lines in
let secs = ref [] in
let _ = while not (Stream.is_empty lines) do secs := (section lines)::!secs done in
let secs = List.sort ~cmp:(fun s1 s2 -> s1.sec_name s2.sec_name) !secs in
let expected_num_secs = int_of_string (get_assoc_exn "Number Sequences" hdr) in
let actual_num_secs = List.length secs in
if actual_num_secs = expected_num_secs then
raise_bad (sprintf "expected %d sequences but found %d" expected_num_secs actual_num_secs)
Failure msg | Bad msg -> raise_bad (err msg)
try_finally_exn of_channel ~fend:In_channel.close (open_in file)
let of_file = Parser.of_file