open Core.Std
open Biocaml_internal_utils
type item = string * int * int * Biocaml_table.Row.t
with sexp
type parsing_spec = [
| `enforce of Biocaml_table.Row.t_type
| `strings
with sexp
module Error = struct
type parsing_base = [
| `wrong_format of
[ `column_number
| `float_of_string of string
| `int_of_string of string ] *
Biocaml_table.Row.t_type * string
| `wrong_number_of_columns of Biocaml_table.Row.t ]
with sexp
type parsing = [ `bed of parsing_base ]
with sexp
type t = parsing with sexp
let item_of_line ~how line =
let separators = ['\t'; ' '] in
let format, strict =
let base = [| `type_string; `type_int; `type_int |] in
match how with
| `strings -> (base, false)
| `enforce tt -> (Array.append base tt, true) in
Biocaml_table.Row.of_line ~separators ~format
~strict_row_length:strict ~strict_cell_type:strict line
|> begin function
| Ok row when Array.length row >= 3 ->
let n = match row.(0) with `string s -> s | _ -> assert false in
let h = match row.(1) with `int i -> i | _ -> assert false in
let l = match row.(2) with `int i -> i | _ -> assert false in
let q = Array.slice row 3 (Array.length row) in
Ok (n, h, l, q)
| Ok row ->
Error (`bed (`wrong_number_of_columns row))
| Error e -> Error (`bed e)
let item_to_line (n, l, h, r) =
Biocaml_table.Row.to_line ~sep:"\t"
(Array.append [| `string n; `int l; `int h |] r)
module Transform = struct
let string_to_item ?(more_columns=`strings) () =
(Biocaml_lines.Transform.string_to_item ())
~f:(fun line -> item_of_line more_columns line)
let item_to_string () =
(Biocaml_lines.Transform.item_to_string ())
~f:(fun item -> item_to_line item)
exception Error of Error.t
let error_to_exn e = Error e
let in_channel_to_item_stream ?(buffer_size=65536) ?more_columns inp =
let x = Transform.string_to_item ?more_columns () in
Biocaml_transform.(in_channel_strings_to_stream inp x ~buffer_size)
let in_channel_to_item_stream_exn ?buffer_size ?more_columns inp =
Stream.result_to_exn ~error_to_exn
(in_channel_to_item_stream ?buffer_size ?more_columns inp)