open Printf
let max_block_size = 0x10000
let max_isize = 0xff00
exception Parse_error of string
type in_channel = {
ic : Pervasives.in_channel ;
in_block : string ;
mutable in_pos : int ;
mutable in_avail : int ;
mutable in_crc32 : int32 ;
mutable in_isize : int32 ;
mutable in_block_crc32 : int32 ;
mutable in_block_isize : int32 ;
mutable in_eof : bool ;
mutable in_stream :;
let of_in_channel ic = {
ic ;
in_block = String.create max_block_size ;
in_pos = 0 ;
in_avail = 0 ;
in_block_crc32 = ;
in_crc32 = ;
in_block_isize = ;
in_isize = ;
in_stream = Zlib.inflate_init false ;
in_eof = false
let open_in fn = of_in_channel (Pervasives.open_in_bin fn)
let dispose_in iz =
iz.in_eof <- true ;
Zlib.inflate_end iz.in_stream
let close_in iz =
dispose_in iz ;
close_in iz.ic
let may_eof f x =
try Some (f x)
with End_of_file -> None
let input_u16 ic =
let b1 = input_byte ic in
let b2 = input_byte ic in
b1 + b2 lsl 8
let input_int32 ic =
let b1 = input_byte ic in
let b2 = input_byte ic in
let b3 = input_byte ic in
let b4 = input_byte ic in
Int32.logor (Int32.of_int b1)
(Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int b2) 8)
(Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int b3) 16)
(Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int b4) 24)))
let read_header iz =
match may_eof input_byte iz.ic with
| None -> iz.in_eof <- true ; raise End_of_file
| Some id1 ->
let id2 = input_byte iz.ic in
if id1 <> 0x1F || id2 <> 0x8B then raise (Parse_error "bad magic number, not a bgzf file") ;
let cm = input_byte iz.ic in
if cm <> 8 then raise(Parse_error "unknown compression method") ;
let flags = input_byte iz.ic in
if flags <> 0x04 then raise(Parse_error("bad flags, not a bgzf file"));
for i = 1 to 6 do ignore (input_byte iz.ic) done;
let xlen = input_u16 iz.ic in
let si1 = input_byte iz.ic in
let si2 = input_byte iz.ic in
let slen = input_u16 iz.ic in
if si1 <> 66 || si2 <> 67 || slen <> 2 then raise (Parse_error "bad extra subfield") ;
let bsize = input_u16 iz.ic in
for i = 1 to xlen - 6 do ignore (input_byte iz.ic) done ;
bsize - xlen - 19
with End_of_file -> raise (Parse_error "premature end of file, not a bgzf file")
let read_block iz =
let cdata_size = read_header iz in
Pervasives.really_input iz.ic iz.in_block 0 cdata_size ;
iz.in_avail <- cdata_size ;
let crc32 = input_int32 iz.ic in
let isize = input_int32 iz.ic in
iz.in_pos <- 0 ;
iz.in_crc32 <- crc32 ;
iz.in_isize <- isize ;
iz.in_block_crc32 <- ;
iz.in_block_isize <- ;
with End_of_file -> raise(Parse_error("premature end of file, not a bgzf file"))
let input iz buf pos len =
let n = String.length buf in
if pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > n then raise (Invalid_argument "Biocaml_bgzf.input") ;
if iz.in_eof then 0
else (
let rec loop pos len read =
if len = 0 then read
else (
let reached_eof =
if iz.in_avail = 0 then (
try read_block iz ; false
with End_of_file -> true
else false
if reached_eof then read
else (
let (finished, used_in, used_out) =
try Zlib.inflate iz.in_stream iz.in_block iz.in_pos iz.in_avail buf pos len Zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH
with Zlib.Error(_, _) -> raise(Parse_error("error during decompression"))
iz.in_pos <- iz.in_pos + used_in;
iz.in_avail <- iz.in_avail - used_in;
iz.in_block_crc32 <- Zlib.update_crc iz.in_block_crc32 buf pos used_out;
iz.in_block_isize <- Int32.add iz.in_block_isize (Int32.of_int used_out);
if finished then (
Zlib.inflate_end iz.in_stream ;
if iz.in_block_crc32 <> iz.in_crc32 then raise(Parse_error(sprintf "CRC mismatch, data corrupted: %ld %ld" iz.in_block_crc32 iz.in_crc32));
if iz.in_block_isize <> iz.in_block_isize then raise(Parse_error("size mismatch, data corrupted"));
iz.in_stream <- Zlib.inflate_init false
) ;
loop (pos + used_out) (len - used_out) (read + used_out)
loop pos len 0
let rec really_input iz buf pos len =
if len <= 0 then ()
else (
let n = input iz buf pos len in
if n = 0 then raise End_of_file
else really_input iz buf (pos + n) (len - n)
let input_string iz n =
if n < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "Bgzf.input_string iz n: n should be non negative") ;
let r = String.make n '@' in
really_input iz r 0 n ;
let input_char =
let buf = String.create 1 in
fun iz ->
if input iz buf 0 1 = 0 then raise End_of_file
else buf.[0]
let input_u8 iz =
Char.code (input_char iz)
let input_s8 iz =
let b = input_u8 iz in
if b land 128 <> 0 then b - 256
else b
let input_u16 iz =
let b1 = input_u8 iz in
let b2 = input_u8 iz in
b1 lor (b2 lsl 8)
let input_s16 iz =
let i = input_u16 iz in
if i land 32768 <> 0 then i - 65536
else i
let input_s32 iz =
let b1 = input_u8 iz in
let b2 = input_u8 iz in
let b3 = input_u8 iz in
let b4 = input_u8 iz in
Int32.logor (Int32.of_int b1)
(Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int b2) 8)
(Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int b3) 16)
(Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int b4) 24)))
let with_file_in fn ~f =
let iz = open_in fn in
let r =
try `Ok (f iz)
with e -> `Error e
close_in iz ;
match r with
| `Ok y -> y
| `Error exn -> raise exn
exception Unparser_error of string
type out_channel = {
out_chan : Pervasives.out_channel ;
out_ubuffer : string ;
out_cbuffer : string ;
mutable out_pos : int ;
out_level : int ;
let output_int16 oc n =
Pervasives.output_byte oc n ;
Pervasives.output_byte oc (n lsr 8)
let output_int32 oc n =
let r = ref n in
for i = 1 to 4 do
Pervasives.output_byte oc (Int32.to_int !r);
r := Int32.shift_right_logical !r 8
let write_block oc buf len ~isize ~crc32 =
let xlen = 6 in
let bsize = 20 + xlen + len in
assert (bsize < 0x10000) ;
output_byte oc 0x1F;
output_byte oc 0x8B;
output_byte oc 8;
output_byte oc 4;
for i = 1 to 4 do
output_byte oc 0
done ;
output_byte oc 0;
output_byte oc 0xFF;
output_int16 oc xlen ;
output_byte oc 0x42 ;
output_byte oc 0x43 ;
output_int16 oc 2 ;
output_int16 oc (bsize - 1);
output oc buf 0 len ;
output_int32 oc crc32 ;
output_int32 oc isize
let of_out_channel ?(level = 6) oc =
if level < 1 || level > 9 then raise (invalid_arg "Biocaml_bgzf: bad compression level") ;
out_chan = oc;
out_ubuffer = String.create max_isize ;
out_cbuffer = String.create max_block_size ;
out_pos = 0 ;
out_level = level ;
let open_out ?(level = 6) filename =
of_out_channel ~level (Pervasives.open_out_bin filename)
let push_block oz =
let stream = Zlib.deflate_init oz.out_level false in
let (_, used_in, used_out) =
oz.out_ubuffer 0 oz.out_pos
oz.out_cbuffer 0 (String.length oz.out_cbuffer)
with Zlib.Error(_, _) -> raise (Unparser_error("error during compression"))
assert (used_in = oz.out_pos) ;
let crc32 = Zlib.update_crc oz.out_ubuffer 0 used_in in
Zlib.deflate_end stream ;
write_block oz.out_chan oz.out_cbuffer used_out ~isize:(Int32.of_int used_in) ~crc32 ;
oz.out_pos <- 0
let rec output oz buf pos len =
if pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > String.length buf then invalid_arg "Biocaml_bgzf.output";
if oz.out_pos = String.length oz.out_ubuffer then push_block oz ;
let available = String.length oz.out_ubuffer - oz.out_pos in
let ncopy = min len available in
String.blit buf pos oz.out_ubuffer oz.out_pos ncopy ;
oz.out_pos <- oz.out_pos + ncopy ;
let remaining = len - ncopy in
if remaining > 0 then output oz buf (pos + ncopy) remaining
let output_char =
let buf = String.make 1 ' ' in
fun oz c ->
buf.[0] <- c ;
output oz buf 0 1
let output_u8 oz n =
output_char oz (Char.unsafe_chr (n land 0xFF))
let output_s8 oz n =
if n < -0x80 || n > 0x7F then raise (Invalid_argument "Bgzf.output_s8") ;
if n < 0 then
output_u8 oz (n + 256)
output_u8 oz n
let output_u16 oz n =
output_u8 oz n ;
output_u8 oz (n lsr 8)
let output_s16 oz n =
if n < -0x8000 || n > 0x7FFF then raise (Invalid_argument "Bgzf.output_s16") ;
if n < 0 then
output_u16 oz (65536 + n)
output_u16 oz n
let output_s32 oz n =
let base = Int32.to_int n in
let big = Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical n 24) in
output_u8 oz base ;
output_u8 oz (base lsr 8) ;
output_u8 oz (base lsr 16) ;
output_u8 oz big
let output_string oz s =
output oz s 0 (String.length s)
let bgzf_eof = "\x1f\x8b\x08\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x06\x00BC\x02\x00\x1b\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
let dispose_out oz =
if oz.out_pos > 0 then push_block oz ;
Pervasives.output_string oz.out_chan bgzf_eof
let close_out oz =
dispose_out oz ;
Pervasives.close_out oz.out_chan
let with_file_out ?level fn ~f =
let oz = open_out ?level fn in
let r =
try `Ok (f oz)
with e -> `Error e
close_out oz ;
match r with
| `Ok y -> y
| `Error exn -> raise exn