open Core.Std
open Biocaml_internal_utils
type tree = E of string * Xmlm.attribute list * tree list | D of string
let in_tree i =
let el ((_,tag),attrs) children = E (tag, attrs, children) in
let data d = D d in
Xmlm.input_doc_tree ~el ~data i
let tree_of_string str =
in_tree (Xmlm.make_input (`String (0,str)))
let rec string_of_tree = function
| E (tag,attrs,children) ->
sprintf "<%s>%s<%s/>" tag (String.concat ~sep:"" ( ~f:string_of_tree children)) tag
| D s -> s
let attr k = function
| E (_,attrs,_) ->
List.find_map attrs ~f:(fun ((_,k'),value) -> if k = k' then Some value else None)
| _ -> None
let battr k x = (attr k x) ~f:bool_of_string
let leaf_exn f k x =
match x with
| E (_,_,children) ->
(match List.find_map children ~f:(function
| E (tag,_, [D d]) when tag = k -> Some (f d)
| _ -> None)
| Some x -> x
| None -> raise Not_found
| D _ -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
invalid_arg (sprintf "Entrez.leaf: no %s child" k)
let ileaf_exn = leaf_exn int_of_string
let sleaf_exn = leaf_exn
let ileaf k x = try Some (ileaf_exn k x) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
let sleaf k x = try Some (sleaf_exn k x) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
let leaves f k t = match t with
E (_,_,children) ->
List.filter_map children ~f:(function
| E (tag,_, [D d]) when tag = k -> Some (f d)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> []
let ileaves = leaves int_of_string
let sleaves = leaves
let tag_of_tree = function
| E (tag,_,_) -> Some tag
| D _ -> None
let echild_exn k = function
| E (_,_,children) ->
(match List.find_map children ~f:(function
| E (tag,_, _) as r when tag = k -> Some r
| _ -> None)
| Some x -> x
| None -> raise Not_found
with Not_found -> (
let tags = List.filter_map ~f:tag_of_tree children in
let msg = sprintf "child: looked for %s but only got %s children" k (String.concat ~sep:"," tags) in
raise (Invalid_argument msg)
| D _ -> (
let msg = sprintf "child: looked for %s tag but only got a PCDATA node" k in
raise (Invalid_argument msg)
let echild k x = try Some (echild_exn k x) with _ -> None
let fold_echildren ?tag f =
let pred = Option.value_map tag ~default:(fun _ -> true) ~f:( = ) in
fun x init ->
match x with
| E (_,_,children) ->
List.fold_right children ~init ~f:(fun x accu ->
match x with
| E (tag,_,_) as x when pred tag -> f x accu
| _ -> accu)
| D _ -> init
let map_echildren ?tag f x = fold_echildren ?tag (fun x accu -> (f x) :: accu) x []
type database = [
| `gene
| `genome
| `geodatasets
| `geoprofiles
| `protein
| `pubmed
| `pubmedcentral
| `sra
| `unigene
| `taxonomy
let id_of_database = function
| `pubmed -> "pubmed"
| `gene -> "gene"
| `unigene -> "unigene"
| `genome -> "genome"
| `geoprofiles -> "geoprofiles"
| `geodatasets -> "geodatasets"
| `pubmedcentral -> "pmc"
| `protein -> "protein"
| `sra -> "sra"
| `taxonomy -> "taxonomy"
let search_base_url = ""
let parameters l =
List.filter_map l
|> ~f:(fun (k,v) -> sprintf "%s=%s" k v)
|> String.concat ~sep:"&"
let string_of_datetype = function
| `pdat -> "pdat"
| `mdat -> "mdat"
| `edat -> "edat"
let esearch_url ?retstart ?retmax ?rettype ?field ?datetype ?reldate ?mindate ?maxdate database query =
search_base_url ^ "?" ^ parameters Option.([
Some ("db", id_of_database database) ;
Some ("term", Url.escape query) ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "retstart", string_of_int i) retstart ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "retmax", string_of_int i) retmax ;
map ~f:(function `uilist -> ("rettype", "uilist") | `count -> ("rettype", "count")) rettype ;
map ~f:(fun s -> "field",s) field ;
map ~f:(fun dt -> "datetype", string_of_datetype dt) datetype ;
map ~f:(fun d -> "mindate", d) mindate ;
map ~f:(fun d -> "maxdate", d) maxdate ;
type esearch_answer = {
count : int ;
retmax : int ;
retstart : int ;
ids : string list
let esearch_answer_of_tree = function
| E ("eSearchResult",_,_) as t -> {
count = ileaf_exn "Count" t ;
retmax = ileaf_exn "RetMax" t ;
retstart = ileaf_exn "RetStart" t ;
ids = echild_exn "IdList" t |> sleaves "Id"
| _ -> assert false
let esearch_answer_of_string str =
tree_of_string str
|> snd
|> esearch_answer_of_tree
let summary_base_url = ""
let esummary_url ?retstart ?retmax db ids =
if List.length ids > 200
then raise (Invalid_argument "Entrez.esummary_url: cannot fetch more than 200 summaries") ;
summary_base_url ^ "?" ^ parameters Option.([
Some ("db", id_of_database db) ;
Some ("id", String.concat ~sep:"," ids) ;
Some ("version", "2.0") ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "retstart", string_of_int i) retstart ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "retmax", string_of_int i) retmax ;
let fetch_base_url = ""
let string_of_retmode = function
| `xml -> "xml"
| `asn_1 -> "asn.1"
| `text -> "text"
let efetch_url ?rettype ?retmode ?retstart ?retmax ?strand ?seq_start ?seq_stop db ids =
if List.length ids > 200
then raise (Invalid_argument "Entrez.efetch_url: cannot fetch more than 200 records") ;
fetch_base_url ^ "?" ^ parameters Option.([
Some ("db", id_of_database db) ;
Some ("id", String.concat ~sep:"," ids) ;
map ~f:(fun r -> "retmode", string_of_retmode r) retmode ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "retstart", string_of_int i) retstart ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "retmax", string_of_int i) retmax ;
map ~f:(fun s -> "strand", match s with `plus -> "1" | `minus -> "2") strand ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "seq_start", string_of_int i) seq_start ;
map ~f:(fun i -> "seq_stop", string_of_int i) seq_stop ;
module type Fetch = sig
type 'a fetched
val fetch : string -> (string -> 'a) -> 'a fetched
val ( >>= ) : 'a fetched -> ('a -> 'b fetched) -> 'b fetched
val ( >|= ) : 'a fetched -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b fetched
module Make(F : Fetch) = struct
open F
let search_and_fetch database of_xml query =
let query_url = esearch_url database query in
fetch query_url esearch_answer_of_string >>= fun answer ->
let object_url = efetch_url ~retmode:`xml database answer.ids in
fetch object_url (fun x -> x |> tree_of_string |> snd |> of_xml)
let search_and_summary database of_xml query =
let query_url = esearch_url database query in
fetch query_url esearch_answer_of_string >>= fun answer ->
let object_url = esummary_url database answer.ids in
fetch object_url (fun x -> x |> tree_of_string |> snd |> of_xml)
module Object_id = struct
type t = [`int of int | `string of string ]
let to_string = function
| `int i -> string_of_int i
| `string s -> s
let of_xml x =
try `int (ileaf_exn "Object-id_id" x)
with _ -> (
try `string (sleaf_exn "Object-id_str" x)
with _ ->
invalid_arg (sprintf "Entrez.Make.Object_id.of_xml: %s" (string_of_tree x))
module Dbtag = struct
type t = {
db : string ;
tag : Object_id.t ;
let of_xml x = {
db = sleaf_exn "Dbtag_db" x ;
tag = Object_id.of_xml (x |> echild_exn "Dbtag_tag" |> echild_exn "Object-id")
module Gene_ref = struct
type t = {
locus : string option ;
allele : string option ;
desc : string option ;
maploc : string option ;
pseudo : bool option ;
db : Dbtag.t list ;
let of_xml t =
let t = echild_exn "Gene-ref" t in
locus = sleaf "Gene-ref_locus" t ;
allele = sleaf "Gene-ref_allele" t ;
desc = sleaf "Gene-ref_desc" t ;
maploc = sleaf "Gene-ref_maploc" t ;
pseudo = Option.bind (echild "Gene-ref_pseudo" t) (battr "value") ;
db =
(echild "Gene-ref_db" t)
~f:(map_echildren ~tag:"Dbtag" Dbtag.of_xml) ;
module PubmedSummary = struct
type t = {
pmid : int ;
doi : string option ;
pubdate : string option ;
source : string option ;
title : string ;
let parse_article_ids x =
(fun x -> sleaf_exn "IdType" x, sleaf_exn "Value" x)
let parse_document_summary x =
let article_ids = parse_article_ids (echild_exn "ArticleIds" x) in
{ pmid = int_of_string (List.Assoc.find_exn article_ids "pubmed") ;
doi = List.Assoc.find article_ids "doi" ;
pubdate = sleaf "PubDate" x ;
source = sleaf "Source" x ;
title = sleaf_exn "Title" x }
let parse_eSummaryResult x =
(echild_exn "DocumentSummarySet" x)
let search = search_and_summary `pubmed parse_eSummaryResult
module Pubmed = struct
type t = {
pmid : int ;
title : string ;
abstract : string ;
let parse_book_document bd =
{ pmid = ileaf_exn "PMID" bd ;
title = sleaf_exn "ArticleTitle" bd ;
abstract = echild_exn "Abstract" bd |> sleaf_exn "AbstractText" }
let parse_medline_citation mc =
let article = echild_exn "Article" mc in
{ pmid = ileaf_exn "PMID" mc ;
title = sleaf_exn "ArticleTitle" article ;
abstract = echild_exn "Abstract" article |> sleaf_exn "AbstractText" }
let parse_pubmed_article_set_element x = match tag_of_tree x with
| Some "PubmedArticle" ->
Some (parse_medline_citation (echild_exn "MedlineCitation" x))
| Some "PubmedBookArticle" ->
Some (parse_book_document (echild_exn "BookDocument" x))
| Some t ->
failwith (sprintf "Unexpected %s tag while parsing PubmedArticleSet element" t)
| None -> None
let parse_pubmed_article_set = function
| E ("PubmedArticleSet",_,children) ->
List.filter_map ~f:parse_pubmed_article_set_element children
| _ -> assert false
let search = search_and_fetch `pubmed parse_pubmed_article_set
module Gene = struct
type t = {
_type : [ `unknown | `tRNA | `rRNA | `snRNA | `scRNA |
`snoRNA | `protein_coding | `pseudo | `transposon | `miscRNA |
`ncRNA | `other ] ;
summary : string option ;
gene : Gene_ref.t ;
let type_of_int = function
| 0 -> `unknown
| 1 -> `tRNA
| 2 -> `rRNA
| 3 -> `snRNA
| 4 -> `scRNA
| 5 -> `snoRNA
| 6 -> `protein_coding
| 7 -> `pseudo
| 8 -> `transposon
| 9 -> `miscRNA
| 10 -> `ncRNA
| 11 -> `ncRNA
| n -> invalid_arg (sprintf "Entrez.Make.Gene.type_of_int: %d" n)
let parse_entrez_gene = function
| E ("Entrezgene",_,_) as x -> Some {
summary = sleaf "Entrezgene_summary" x ;
_type = type_of_int (ileaf_exn "Entrezgene_type" x) ;
gene = Gene_ref.of_xml (echild_exn "Entrezgene_gene" x) ;
| _ -> None
let parse_entrez_gene_set = function
| E ("Entrezgene-Set",_,children) ->
List.filter_map ~f:parse_entrez_gene children
| _ -> assert false
let search query =
let database = `gene in
let of_xml = parse_entrez_gene_set in
let query_url = esearch_url database query in
fetch query_url esearch_answer_of_string >>= fun answer ->
let object_url = efetch_url ~retmode:`xml database answer.ids in
fetch object_url (fun x -> x |> tree_of_string |> snd |> of_xml)