open Core.Std
open Biocaml_internal_utils
module Lines = Biocaml_lines
type item = {
name: string;
sequence: string;
comment: string;
qualities: string;
} with sexp
let split_name s =
match String.lsplit2 s ~on:' ' with
| None -> s, None
| Some (x,y) -> x, Some y
module Illumina = struct
type surface = [`Top | `Bottom]
type tile = {surface:surface; swath:int; number:int}
let tile_of_string s =
let open Result.Monad_infix in
if String.length s <> 4
|| not (String.for_all s ~f:Char.is_digit)
error "invalid tile" s sexp_of_string
else (
(match s.[0] with
| '1' -> Ok `Top
| '2' -> Ok `Bottom
| x -> error "invalid surface" x sexp_of_char
) >>= fun surface ->
(match s.[1] with
| '1' -> Ok 1
| '2' -> Ok 2
| '3' -> Ok 3
| x -> error "invalid swath" x sexp_of_char
) >>= fun swath ->
String.(sub s ~pos:2 ~len:(length s - 2))
|> fun x -> (
try Ok (Int.of_string x)
with Failure _ -> error "tile number not an int" s sexp_of_string
|> function
| Error _ as e -> e
| Ok x ->
if x <= 0
then error "invalid tile number" x sexp_of_int
else Ok x
) >>= fun number ->
Ok {surface; swath; number}
let tile_to_string t =
sprintf "%c%d%02d"
(match t.surface with `Top -> '1' | `Bottom -> '2')
type sequence_id = {
instrument : string;
run_number : int;
flowcell_id : string;
lane : int;
tile : tile;
x_pos : int;
y_pos : int;
read : int;
is_filtered : bool;
control_number : int;
index : string
let sequence_id_of_string s =
let open Result.Monad_infix in
let i name value =
try Ok (Int.of_string value)
with Failure _ ->
error (sprintf "%s not an int" name) value sexp_of_string
let b name value = match value with
| "Y" -> Ok true
| "N" -> Ok false
| _ -> error (sprintf "%s must be Y or N" name) value sexp_of_string
match String.lsplit2 s ~on:' ' with
| Some (x,y) -> (
match String.split x ~on:':', String.split y ~on:':' with
| [instrument;run_number;flowcell_id;lane;tile;x_pos;y_pos],
[read;is_filtered;control_number;index] ->
i "run_number" run_number >>= fun run_number ->
i "lane" lane >>= fun lane ->
tile_of_string tile >>= fun tile ->
i "x_pos" x_pos >>= fun x_pos ->
i "y_pos" y_pos >>= fun y_pos ->
i "read" read >>= fun read ->
b "is_filtered" is_filtered >>= fun is_filtered ->
i "control_number" control_number >>= fun control_number ->
Ok {instrument; run_number; flowcell_id; lane; tile; x_pos; y_pos;
read; is_filtered; control_number; index}
| _ -> error "invalid Illumina sequence identifier" s sexp_of_string
| _ -> error "invalid Illumina sequence identifier" s sexp_of_string
let item_to_string r =
sprintf "@%s\n%s\n+%s\n%s\n" r.sequence r.comment r.qualities
let name_of_line ?(pos=Pos.unknown) line =
let line = (line : Line.t :> string) in
let n = String.length line in
if n = 0 || line.[0] <> '@' then
"invalid name"
(pos, line)
<:sexp_of< Pos.t * string >>
Ok (String.sub line ~pos:1 ~len:(n-1))
let sequence_of_line ?(pos=Pos.unknown) line =
(line : Line.t :> string)
let comment_of_line ?(pos=Pos.unknown) line =
let line = (line : Line.t :> string) in
let n = String.length line in
if n = 0 || line.[0] <> '+' then
"invalid comment"
(pos, line)
<:sexp_of< Pos.t * string >>
Ok (String.sub line ~pos:1 ~len:(n-1))
let qualities_of_line ?(pos=Pos.unknown) ?sequence line =
let line = (line : Line.t :> string) in
match sequence with
| None -> Ok line
| Some sequence ->
let m = String.length sequence in
let n = String.length line in
if m <> n then
"length of sequence and qualities differ"
(pos, sequence, line)
<:sexp_of< Pos.t * string * string >>
Ok line
module MakeIO (Future : Future.S) = struct
open Future
let read_item ic : item Or_error.t Reader.Read_result.t Deferred.t =
Reader.read_line ic >>= function
| `Eof -> return `Eof
| `Ok line ->
match name_of_line (Line.of_string_unsafe line) with
| Error _ as e -> return (`Ok e)
| Ok name ->
Reader.read_line ic >>= function
| `Eof ->
return (`Ok (Error (Error.of_string "incomplete input")))
| `Ok line ->
let sequence = sequence_of_line (Line.of_string_unsafe line) in
Reader.read_line ic >>= function
| `Eof ->
return (`Ok (Error (Error.of_string "incomplete input")))
| `Ok line ->
match comment_of_line (Line.of_string_unsafe line) with
| Error _ as e -> return (`Ok e)
| Ok comment ->
Reader.read_line ic >>= function
| `Eof ->
return (`Ok (Error (Error.of_string "incomplete input")))
| `Ok line ->
qualities_of_line ~sequence (Line.of_string_unsafe line)
| Error _ as e -> return (`Ok e)
| Ok qualities ->
return (`Ok (Ok {name; sequence; comment; qualities}))
let read ic =
Reader.read_all ic read_item
let write_item (w : Writer.t) (x : item) : unit Deferred.t =
let open Writer in
write_char w '@' >>= fun () ->
write_line w >>= fun () ->
write_line w x.sequence >>= fun () ->
write_char w '+' >>= fun () ->
write_line w x.comment >>= fun () ->
write_line w x.qualities
let write w pipe_r =
Pipe.iter pipe_r ~f:(write_item w)
let write_file ?perm ?append file pipe_r =
Writer.with_file ?perm ?append file ~f:(fun w -> write w pipe_r)
include MakeIO(Future_std)