open Core.Std
open Biocaml_internal_utils
open Stream.Infix
module type Chromosome = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module Make(Chromosome : Chromosome) = struct
type range = Biocaml_range.t
type location = Chromosome.t * range
module Range = Biocaml_range
module Accu = Biocaml_accu
module Map = struct
include Map.Make(struct
include Chromosome
let sexp_of_t _ = assert false
let t_of_sexp _ = assert false
let to_stream t = Stream.of_list (to_alist t)
let of_stream xs =
Stream.fold xs ~init:empty ~f:(fun accu (key,data) -> add accu key data)
module Selection = struct
type t = Biocaml_iset.t Map.t
let inter u v =
Map.fold u ~init:Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key:k ~data:set_u accu ->
match Map.find v k with
| Some set_v -> Map.add accu ~key:k ~data:(Biocaml_iset.inter set_u set_v)
| None -> accu
let union u v =
let keys = List.dedup (Map.keys u @ Map.keys v) in
List.fold keys ~init:Map.empty ~f:(fun accu k ->
Map.add accu ~key:k ~data:(
(Option.value (Map.find u k) ~default:Biocaml_iset.empty)
(Option.value (Map.find v k) ~default:Biocaml_iset.empty)
let diff u v =
Map.fold u ~init:Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key:k ~data:set_u accu ->
let set_u' =
match Map.find v k with
| Some set_v -> Biocaml_iset.diff set_u set_v
| None -> set_u
Map.add ~key:k ~data:set_u' accu
let size x =
Map.fold x ~init:0 ~f:(fun ~key ~data:set accu -> Biocaml_iset.cardinal set + accu)
let overlap sel (k,r) = Biocaml_iset.(
match Map.find sel k with
| Some x ->
inter Range.(add_range empty r.lo r.hi) x
|> cardinal
| None -> 0
let intersects sel (k,r) =
(Map.find sel k)
~f:(fun x -> Range.(Biocaml_iset.intersects_range x r.lo r.hi))
let to_stream sel =
(Map.to_stream sel)
/@ (fun (k,s) -> ~f:(fun (lo,hi) -> k, ok_exn (Range.make lo hi)) (Biocaml_iset.to_stream s))
|> Stream.concat
let of_stream e =
let accu = Accu.create Biocaml_iset.empty fst (fun (_,r) -> Range.(fun x -> Biocaml_iset.add_range x r.lo r.hi)) in
Stream.iter ~f:(fun loc -> Accu.add accu loc loc ) e ;
Map.of_stream ( accu)
module type Signal = sig
type 'a t
val eval : 'a t -> default:'a -> Chromosome.t -> int -> 'a
val fold : 'a t -> init:'c -> f:('c -> location -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c
val to_stream : 'a t -> (location * 'a) Stream.t
val of_stream : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> (location * 'a) Stream.t -> 'a t
module LMap = struct
module T = Biocaml_interval_tree
type 'a t = 'a T.t Map.t
let intersects lmap (k,r) =
Option.value_map (Map.find lmap k) ~default:false ~f:(fun x -> Range.(T.intersects x r.lo r.hi))
let closest lmap (k,r) =
(Map.find lmap k)
Range.(fun x ->
let lo,hi,label,d = T.find_closest r.lo r.hi x in
Some ((k, ok_exn (make lo hi)), label, d)
with T.Empty_tree -> None
let intersecting_elems lmap (k, { Range.lo ; hi }) =
match Map.find lmap k with
| Some x ->
T.find_intersecting_elem lo hi x
/@ (fun (lo,hi,x) -> (k, ok_exn (Range.make lo hi)), x)
| None -> Stream.empty ()
let to_stream lmap =
(Map.to_stream lmap)
/@ (fun (k,t) -> ~f:(fun (lo,hi,x) -> (k, ok_exn (Range.make lo hi)), x) (T.to_stream t))
|> Stream.concat
let of_stream e =
let accu =
Accu.create T.empty (fun x -> fst x |> fst)
(fun ((_,r),v) -> Range.(T.add ~data:v ~low:r.lo ~high:r.hi)) in
Stream.iter ~f:(fun loc -> Accu.add accu loc loc ) e ;
Map.of_stream ( accu)
module LSet = struct
module T = Biocaml_interval_tree
type t = unit T.t Map.t
let intersects = LMap.intersects
let closest lset loc = (LMap.closest lset loc) ~f:(fun (loc', (), d) -> loc', d)
let intersecting_elems lset loc =
LMap.intersecting_elems lset loc /@ fst
let to_stream lset = LMap.to_stream lset /@ fst
let of_stream e = e /@ (fun x -> x, ()) |> LMap.of_stream