open Result.Monad_infix
let parse_string msg pos i =
begin try Ok (Scanf.sscanf i "%S " ident) with
| e ->
begin match (Scanf.sscanf i "%s " ident) with
| "" -> Error (`cannot_parse_string (pos, msg))
| s -> Url.unescape ~error:(fun s -> `wrong_url_escaping (pos, s)) s
let parse_string_opt m pos i =
parse_string m pos i >>= fun s ->
begin match s with
| "." -> Ok None
| s -> Ok (Some s)
let parse_int msg pos i =
parse_string msg pos i >>= fun s ->
(try Ok (Int.of_string s)
with e -> Error (`cannot_parse_int (pos, msg)))
let parse_float_opt msg pos i =
parse_string_opt msg pos i >>= function
| Some s ->
(try Ok (Some (Float.of_string s))
with e -> Error (`cannot_parse_float (pos, msg)))
| None -> Ok None
let parse_int_opt msg pos i =
parse_string_opt msg pos i >>= function
| Some s ->
(try Ok (Some (Int.of_string s))
with e -> Error (`cannot_parse_int (pos, msg)))
| None -> Ok None
let parse_attributes_version_3 position i =
let whole_thing = String.concat ~sep:"\t" i in
let get_csv s = (String.split ~on:',' s)
(fun s -> parse_string "value" position String.(strip s))
|> List.partition_map ~f:Result.ok_fst
|> (function
| (ok, []) -> Ok ok
| (_, notok :: _) -> Error notok) in
let rec loop pos acc =
begin match String.lfindi whole_thing ~pos ~f:(fun _ c -> c = '=') with
| Some equal ->
parse_string "tag" position (String.slice whole_thing pos equal)
>>= fun tag ->
let pos = equal + 1 in
begin match String.lfindi whole_thing ~pos ~f:(fun _ c -> c = ';') with
| Some semicolon ->
let delimited = String.slice whole_thing pos semicolon in
get_csv delimited
>>= fun values ->
loop (semicolon + 1) ((tag, values) :: acc)
| None ->
let delimited = String.(sub whole_thing pos (length whole_thing - pos)) in
get_csv delimited
>>= fun values ->
Ok ((tag, values) :: acc)
| None ->
if pos >= String.length whole_thing then
Ok acc
Error (`wrong_attributes (position, whole_thing))
(try loop 0 [] with e -> Error (`wrong_attributes (position, whole_thing)))
>>| List.rev
let parse_attributes_version_2 position l =
let whole_thing = String.(concat ~sep:"\t" l |> strip) in
let parse_string i =
begin try Some (Scanf.bscanf i "%S " ident) with
| e ->
begin match (Scanf.bscanf i "%s " ident) with
| "" -> None
| s -> Some s
let inch = Scanf.Scanning.from_string whole_thing in
let tokens =
Stream.(from (fun _ -> parse_string inch) |> Fn.flip npeek Int.max_value) in
let rec go_3_by_3 acc = function
| k :: v :: [] -> Ok (List.rev ((k, [v]) :: acc))
| k :: v :: ";" :: rest -> go_3_by_3 ((k, [v]) :: acc) rest
| [] | [";"] -> Ok (List.rev acc)
| problem -> Error (`wrong_attributes (position, whole_thing))
go_3_by_3 [] tokens
let parse_row ~version pos s =
let fields = String.split ~on:'\t' s in
begin match fields with
| seqname :: source :: feature :: start :: stop :: score :: strand :: phase
:: rest ->
let result =
parse_string "Sequence name" pos seqname >>= fun seqname ->
parse_string_opt "Source" pos source >>= fun source ->
parse_string_opt "Feature" pos feature >>= fun feature ->
parse_int "Start Position" pos start >>= fun start ->
parse_int "Stop Position" pos stop >>= fun stop ->
parse_float_opt "Score" pos score >>= fun score ->
parse_string_opt "Strand" pos strand
>>= (function
| Some "+" -> Ok `plus
| None -> Ok `not_applicable
| Some "-" -> Ok `minus
| Some "?" -> Ok `unknown
| Some s -> Error (`cannot_parse_strand (pos, s)))
>>= fun strand ->
parse_int_opt "Phase/Frame" pos phase >>= fun phase ->
begin match version with
| `two -> parse_attributes_version_2 pos rest
| `three -> parse_attributes_version_3 pos rest
>>= fun attributes ->
Ok (`record {seqname; source; feature; pos = (start, stop); score;
strand; phase; attributes})
`output result
| other ->
`output (Error (`wrong_row (pos, s)))
let rec next ~tags p =
let open Biocaml_lines.Buffer in
match (next_line p :> string option) with
| None -> `not_ready
| Some "" ->
if tags.Tags.allow_empty_lines
then `output (Error (`empty_line (current_position p)))
else next ~tags p
| Some l when
tags.Tags.sharp_comments && String.(is_prefix (strip l) ~prefix:"#") ->
`output (Ok (`comment String.(sub l ~pos:1 ~len:(length l - 1))))
| Some l -> parse_row ~version:tags.Tags.version (current_position p) l
let string_to_item ?filename ~tags () =
let name = sprintf "gff_parser:%s" Option.(value ~default:"<>" filename) in
let next = next ~tags in
Biocaml_lines.Transform.make_merge_error ~name ?filename ~next ()
let item_to_string_pure version = (function
| `comment c -> sprintf "#%s\n" c
| `record t ->
let escape =
match version with | `three -> Url.escape | `two -> sprintf "%S" in
let optescape o = Option.value_map ~default:"." o ~f:escape in
String.concat ~sep:"\t" [
escape t.seqname;
optescape t.source;
optescape t.feature;
sprintf "%d" (fst t.pos);
sprintf "%d" (snd t.pos);
Option.value_map ~default:"." ~f:(sprintf "%g") t.score;
(match t.strand with`plus -> "+" | `minus -> "-"
| `not_applicable -> "." | `unknown -> "?");
Option.value_map ~default:"." ~f:(sprintf "%d") t.phase;
String.concat ~sep:";"
( t.attributes (fun (k,v) ->
match version with
| `three ->
sprintf "%s=%s" (Url.escape k)
( v Url.escape |> String.concat ~sep:",")
| `two ->
sprintf "%S %s" k
( v escape |> String.concat ~sep:",")
] ^ "\n"
let item_to_string ~tags () =
Biocaml_transform.of_function ~name:"gff_to_string"
(item_to_string_pure tags.Tags.version)