open Core.Std
type 'a t = {
cmp: 'a -> 'a -> int;
bin_limits: 'a array;
counts: float array
let copy hist =
{cmp = hist.cmp;
bin_limits = Array.copy hist.bin_limits;
counts = Array.copy hist.counts}
let make cmp bins =
let rec is_ordered l =
match l with
| [] -> true
| x::[] -> true
| x1::x2::l ->
match cmp x1 x2 with
| x when x < 0 -> is_ordered (x2::l)
| _ -> false
if is_ordered bins then
Some {cmp=cmp;
bin_limits = Array.of_list bins;
counts = Array.create (List.length bins - 1) 0.0}
let limits_to_bins bl =
let bl = Array.to_list bl in
let rec loop ans bl =
match bl with
| [] -> failwith "impossible to get here"
| _::[] -> ans
| lo::hi::bl -> loop ((lo,hi)::ans) (hi::bl)
List.rev (loop [] bl)
let to_list hist =
List.zip_exn (limits_to_bins hist.bin_limits) (Array.to_list hist.counts)
let bin_exn hist k =
if k >= Array.length hist.counts then
invalid_argf "invalid bin number %d" k ()
hist.bin_limits.(k), hist.bin_limits.(k+1)
let bin hist k = try Some (bin_exn hist k) with _ -> None
let count_exn hist k =
if k >= Array.length hist.counts then
invalid_argf "invalid bin number %d" k ()
let count hist k = Option.try_with (fun () -> count_exn hist k)
let num_bins hist = Array.length hist.counts
let minimum hist = hist.bin_limits.(0)
let maximum hist = hist.bin_limits.(Array.length hist.bin_limits - 1)
let find_bin_index hist x =
let i = ref (-1) in
let _ =
for j = 0 to Array.length hist.bin_limits - 2 do
let cmp_lo = hist.cmp x hist.bin_limits.(j) in
let cmp_hi = hist.cmp x hist.bin_limits.(j+1) in
if (cmp_lo = 1 || cmp_lo = 0) && (cmp_hi = -1) then
i := j
if !i >= 0 then Some !i else None
let increment ?(delt=1.0) hist x =
let hist = copy hist in
match find_bin_index hist x with
| None -> hist
| Some i ->
hist.counts.(i) <- hist.counts.(i) +. delt;
let reset hist = {hist with counts = Array.create (Array.length hist.counts) 0.}
let in_range hist x =
let cmp_lo = hist.cmp x (minimum hist) in
let cmp_hi = hist.cmp x (maximum hist) in
(cmp_lo = 1 || cmp_lo = 0) && (cmp_hi = -1)
let make_uniform min max n =
if min >= max then
Error (sprintf "minimum %.3f must be strictly less than maximum %.3f" min max)
else if n < 1 then
Error (sprintf "cannot create histogram with %d bins" n)
else begin
let delt = (max -. min) /. (Float.of_int n) in
let bins = Array.init (n+1) (fun i -> min +. (delt *. Float.of_int i)) in
bins.(Array.length bins - 1) <- max;
Result.of_option (make (Array.to_list bins))
~error:"not ordered"