open Core.Std
type t = int
with sexp
type offset = [`Offset33 | `Offset64]
with sexp
let int_of_offset = function `Offset33 -> 33 | `Offset64 -> 64
let min_as_char = int_of_offset
let max_as_char = 126
let round_float_to_int x =
if Float.mod_float x 1.0 < 0.5
then Float.(to_int (round_down x))
else Float.(to_int (round_up x))
let to_int t = t
let to_probability t =
10.0 ** (Float.of_int t /. -10.0)
let to_char ?(offset=`Offset33) t =
let offset' = int_of_offset offset in
let x = t + offset' in
if offset' <= x && x <= max_as_char then
Ok (Char.of_int_exn x)
"cannot convert PHRED score with requested offset to a visible ASCII character"
(t, offset)
<:sexp_of< t * offset >>
let of_int x =
if x >= 0 then Ok x
else error "invalid PHRED score" x sexp_of_int
let of_char ?(offset=`Offset33) x =
let offset' = int_of_offset offset in
let c = Char.to_int x in
if offset' <= c && c <= max_as_char then
Ok (c - offset')
"character with given offset is not a valid PHRED score"
(x, offset)
<:sexp_of< char * offset >>
let of_probability ?(f = round_float_to_int) x =
if 0.0 < x && x <= 1.0 then
Ok (f (-10. *. log10 x))
error "invalid probability" x sexp_of_float
let of_solexa_score ?(f = round_float_to_int) x =
f (10. *. log10((10. ** (Float.of_int x /. 10.)) +. 1.))
let to_solexa_score ?(f = round_float_to_int) t =
f (10. *. log10((10. ** (Float.of_int t /. 10.)) -. 1.))