open Core.Std
module Range = Biocaml_range
type t = Range.t list
type range = Range.t
let empty = []
let size t = List.fold_left ~f:(fun ans v -> ans + Range.size v) ~init:0 t
let is_empty t = size t = 0
let rec is_canonical (vl : Range.t list) : bool =
match vl with
| [] | _::[] -> true
| u::(v::vl as tail) -> u.Range.hi < v.Range.lo && is_canonical tail
let to_canonical (vl : Range.t list) : Range.t list =
let compare_intervals u v =
match Range.compare_containment u v with
| Some x -> -x
| None -> match Range.compare_positional u v with
| Some x -> x
| None -> assert false
let vl = List.sort ~cmp:compare_intervals vl in
let rec canonize ans vl =
match vl with
| [] -> ans
| v::[] -> v::ans
| u::(v::vl as tail) ->
if u = v then
canonize ans tail
else if Range.superset u v then
canonize ans (u::vl)
else if Range.before u v then
match Range.union u v with
| `Joint uv -> canonize ans (uv::vl)
| `Disjoint (u,_) -> canonize (u::ans) tail
invalid_arg "impossible to get here"
let ans = List.rev (canonize [] vl) in
assert(is_canonical ans);
let of_range_list l =
let f acc (x,y) =
if x <= y then
(Range.make_unsafe x y)::acc
to_canonical (List.fold ~f ~init:[] l)
let to_range_list t = ~f:(fun {Range.lo; hi} -> lo,hi) t
let to_list t = List.concat ( ~f:Range.to_list t)
let union s t = to_canonical (s @ t)
let inter s t =
let rec loop ans s t =
match (s,t) with
| (_, []) -> ans
| ([], _) -> ans
| ((u::s as ul), (v::t as vl)) ->
if u.Range.lo > v.Range.hi then
loop ans ul t
else if u.Range.hi < v.Range.lo then
loop ans s vl
match Range.intersect u v with
| None -> invalid_arg "impossible to get here"
| Some w ->
match u.Range.hi v.Range.hi with
| -1 -> loop (w::ans) s vl
| 0 -> loop (w::ans) s t
| 1 -> loop (w::ans) ul t
| _ -> invalid_arg "impossible to get here"
to_canonical (loop [] s t)
let diff s t =
let rec loop ans s t =
match (s,t) with
| (_,[]) -> ans @ (List.rev s)
| ([],_) -> ans
| ((u::s as ul), (v::t as vl)) ->
if u.Range.lo > v.Range.hi then
loop ans ul t
else if u.Range.hi < v.Range.lo then
loop (u::ans) s vl
match Range.intersect u v with
| None -> invalid_arg "impossible to get here"
| Some w ->
let u_pre = Range.make u.Range.lo (w.Range.lo - 1) |> Result.ok in
let u_post = Range.make (w.Range.hi + 1) u.Range.hi |> Result.ok in
let v_post = Range.make (w.Range.hi + 1) v.Range.hi |> Result.ok in
let ans = match u_pre with None -> ans | Some x -> x::ans in
let s = match u_post with None -> s | Some x -> x::s in
let t = match v_post with None -> t | Some x -> x::t in
loop ans s t
to_canonical (loop [] s t)
let subset s t = is_empty (diff s t)