open Core.Std
module type Identifier = sig
include Comparable
include Sexpable with type t := t
val to_string : t -> string
module Make(S : Identifier) = struct
type t = S.t * Biocaml_range.t
with compare, sexp
let make s lo hi =
let open Or_error in
Biocaml_range.make lo hi >>= fun r ->
Or_error.return (s, r)
let seq = fst
let size (_, r) = Biocaml_range.size r
let to_string (seq, { Biocaml_range.lo ; hi }) =
sprintf "%s:%d-%d" (S.to_string seq) lo hi
include Make(String)
let of_string s =
try Scanf.sscanf s "%s@:%d-%d" make
with Scanf.Scan_failure _ ->
Or_error.errorf "Seq_range.of_string: invalid format %s" s