type t = [
| `separator of char
| `strict_about of [ `row_length | `cell_type ]
| `format of item_type array
] list
with sexp
let separators tags =
List.filter_map tags (function
| `separator c -> Some c
| _ -> None)
let strict_row_length tags =
List.exists tags (function `strict_about `row_length -> true | _ -> false)
let strict_cell_type tags =
List.exists tags (function `strict_about `cell_type -> true | _ -> false)
let format tags =
List.find_map tags (function `format f -> Some f | _ -> None)
let default = [ `separator '\t' ]
let default_extension tags =
match separators tags with
| '\t' :: _ -> "tsv"
| ',' :: _ -> "csv"
| _ -> "table"
let to_string t = sexp_of_t t |> Sexplib.Sexp.to_string
let of_string s =
try Ok (Sexplib.Sexp.of_string s |> t_of_sexp)
with e -> module_error (`tags_of_string e)