open Core.Std
open Biocaml_internal_utils
type ('input, 'output) t = {
name: string option;
next: unit -> [ `output of 'output | `end_of_stream | `not_ready ];
feed: 'input -> unit;
stop: unit -> unit;
let make_general ?name ~next ~feed ~stop () = {name; next; feed; stop }
exception Feeding_stopped_transform of string
let feed t i = t.feed i
let next t = ()
let stop t = t.stop ()
let name t =
let make ?name ~feed ~next () =
let stopped = ref false in
make_general ?name ()
~feed:(fun x ->
if not !stopped then
feed x
raise (Feeding_stopped_transform Option.(value ~default:"" name)))
~next:(fun () -> next !stopped)
~stop:(fun () -> stopped := true)
let make_result ?name ~feed ~next () =
let stopped = ref false in
let one_error_has_occured = ref false in
make_general ?name ()
~feed:(fun x ->
if not !stopped then
feed x
raise (Feeding_stopped_transform Option.(value ~default:"" name)))
~next:(fun () ->
if !one_error_has_occured
then `end_of_stream
begin match next !stopped with
| `output (Error _) as e -> one_error_has_occured := true; e
| other -> other
~stop:(fun () -> stopped := true)
let of_function ?name f =
let q = Queue.create () in
make ?name ~feed:(Queue.enqueue q) ()
~next:(fun stopped ->
match Queue.dequeue q with
| Some o -> `output (f o)
| None -> if stopped then `end_of_stream else `not_ready)
let identity ?name () = of_function ?name ident
let to_stream_fun tr en =
let rec loop_until_ready tr en =
match next tr with
| `output o -> Some o
| `end_of_stream -> None
| `not_ready ->
begin match en with
| None -> stop tr; loop_until_ready tr en
| Some s ->
feed tr s;
loop_until_ready tr en
Stream.from (fun _ -> loop_until_ready tr en)
let in_channel_strings_to_stream ?(buffer_size=65536) ic tr =
to_stream_fun tr (Stream.strings_of_channel ~buffer_size ic)
let stream_to_out_channel xs tr oc =
Stream.iter (to_stream_fun tr xs) ~f:(output_string oc)
let on_input t ~f =
{ t with feed = fun x -> t.feed (f x) }
let on_output t ~f =
{ t with next = fun () ->
match () with
| `output o -> `output (f o)
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream }
let compose ta tb =
let name =
sprintf "(compose <%s> <%s>)"
Option.(value ~default:"" (name ta))
Option.(value ~default:"" (name tb)) in
make_general ~name ()
~feed:(fun i -> feed ta i)
~stop:(fun () -> stop ta)
~next:(fun () ->
let call_tb_next () =
begin match next tb with
| `output o -> `output o
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
match next ta with
| `output o -> feed tb o; call_tb_next ()
| `not_ready -> call_tb_next ()
| `end_of_stream -> stop tb; call_tb_next ())
let mix ta tb =
let a_buffer = ref None in
let name =
sprintf "(mix <%s> <%s>)"
Option.(value ~default:"" (name ta))
Option.(value ~default:"" (name tb)) in
make_general ~name ()
~feed:(fun (a, b) -> feed ta a; feed tb b)
~stop:(fun () -> stop ta; stop tb)
~next:(fun () ->
begin match !a_buffer with
| None ->
begin match next ta with
| `output oa ->
begin match next tb with
| `output ob -> `output (`both (oa, ob))
| `not_ready -> a_buffer := Some oa; `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream ->
begin match next tb with
| `output ob -> `output (`right ob)
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
| Some oa ->
begin match next tb with
| `output ob -> a_buffer := None; `output (`both (oa, ob))
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> a_buffer := None; `output (`left oa)
let filter_compose left right ~destruct ~reconstruct =
let name =
sprintf "(part-compose <%s> <%s>)"
Option.(value ~default:"" (name left))
Option.(value ~default:"" (name right)) in
make_general ~name ()
~feed:(fun i -> feed left i)
~stop:(fun () -> stop left)
~next:(fun () ->
let call_right_next () =
begin match next right with
| `output o -> `output (reconstruct (`transformed o))
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
match next left with
| `output o ->
begin match destruct o with
| `transform y -> feed right y; call_right_next ()
| `bypass n -> `output (reconstruct (`bypassed n))
| `not_ready -> call_right_next ()
| `end_of_stream -> stop right; call_right_next ())
let split_and_merge ta tb ~split ~merge =
let name = sprintf "(merge <%s> <%s>)"
Option.(value ~default:"" (name ta))
Option.(value ~default:"" (name tb)) in
make_general ~name ()
~feed:(fun z ->
match split z with
| `left a -> feed ta a
| `right b -> feed tb b)
~stop:(fun () -> stop ta; stop tb)
~next:(fun () ->
match next ta with
| `output o -> `output (merge (`left o))
| `not_ready | `end_of_stream ->
begin match next tb with
| `output o -> `output (merge (`right o))
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
let on_ok tr ~f =
on_output tr ~f:(function
| Ok o -> Ok (f o)
| Error e -> Error e)
let on_error tr ~f =
on_output tr ~f:(function
| Ok o -> Ok o
| Error e -> Error (f e))
let compose_results ~on_error ta tb =
let name =
sprintf "(compose_results <%s> <%s>)"
Option.(value ~default:"" (name ta))
Option.(value ~default:"" (name tb)) in
make_general ~name ()
~feed:(fun i -> feed ta i)
~stop:(fun () -> stop ta)
~next:(fun () ->
let call_tb_next () =
begin match next tb with
| `output (Ok o) -> `output (Ok o)
| `output (Error o) -> `output (Error (on_error (`right o)))
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
match next ta with
| `output (Ok o) -> feed tb o; call_tb_next ()
| `output (Error o) -> `output (Error (on_error (`left o)))
| `not_ready -> call_tb_next ()
| `end_of_stream -> stop tb; call_tb_next ())
let compose_results_merge_error ta tb =
compose_results ta tb
~on_error:(function `left e -> `left e | `right e -> `right e)
let compose_result_left ta tb =
let name =
sprintf "(compose_result_left <%s> <%s>)"
Option.(value ~default:"" (name ta))
Option.(value ~default:"" (name tb)) in
make_general ~name ()
~feed:(fun i -> feed ta i)
~stop:(fun () -> stop ta)
~next:(fun () ->
let call_tb_next () =
begin match next tb with
| `output o -> `output (Ok o)
| `not_ready -> `not_ready
| `end_of_stream -> `end_of_stream
match next ta with
| `output (Ok o) -> feed tb o; call_tb_next ()
| `output (Error o) -> `output (Error o)
| `not_ready -> call_tb_next ()
| `end_of_stream -> stop tb; call_tb_next ())
class type ['input, 'output] object_t = object
method next: [ `output of 'output | `end_of_stream | `not_ready ]
method feed: 'input -> unit
method stop: unit
let to_object tr =
method next = next tr
method feed s = feed tr s
method stop = stop tr
let of_object o =
make_general ~name:(sprintf "of_object_%d" ( o))
~next:(fun () -> o#next)
~feed:(fun s -> o#feed s)
~stop:(fun () -> o#stop) ()