let item_to_raw () =
let name = "sam_item_to_raw" in
let raw_queue = Dequeue.create () in
let raw_items_count = ref 0 in
let reference_sequence_dictionary = ref [| |] in
let reference_sequence_dictionary_to_output = ref 0 in
let rec next stopped =
dbg "raw_items_count: %d refdict-to-out: %d raw_queue: %d "
(Dequeue.length raw_queue);
begin match !reference_sequence_dictionary_to_output with
| 0 ->
begin match Dequeue.is_empty raw_queue with
| true when stopped -> `end_of_stream
| true -> `not_ready
| false ->
incr raw_items_count;
begin match Dequeue.dequeue_exn raw_queue `front with
| `comment c ->
dbg "comment"; `output (Ok (`comment c))
| `header_line (version, sorting, rest) ->
dbg "header";
`output (Ok (`header ("HD",
("VN", version)
:: ("SO",
match sorting with
| `unknown -> "unknown"
| `unsorted -> "unsorted"
| `queryname -> "queryname"
| `coordinate -> "coordinate")
:: rest)))
| `reference_sequence_dictionary rsd ->
dbg "reference_sequence_dictionary %d" (Array.length rsd);
reference_sequence_dictionary := rsd;
reference_sequence_dictionary_to_output := Array.length rsd;
next stopped
| `header ("SQ", _) ->
dbg "skipping SQ line";
next stopped
| `header h ->
dbg "header %s" (fst h);
`output (Ok (`header h))
| `alignment al ->
dbg "alignment";
downgrade_alignment al |> (fun x -> `output x)
| n ->
let o =
Array.length !reference_sequence_dictionary - n) in
reference_sequence_dictionary_to_output := n - 1;
`output (Ok (`header ("SQ", reference_sequence_to_header o)))
Biocaml_transform.make ~name ~feed:(Dequeue.enqueue raw_queue `back) ()