type parsing =
[ `cannot_parse_float of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `cannot_parse_int of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `cannot_parse_strand of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `cannot_parse_string of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `empty_line of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t
| `incomplete_input of
Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string list * string option
| `wrong_attributes of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `wrong_row of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `wrong_url_escaping of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string ]
type t = Biocaml_gff.Error.parsing
val parsing_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_gff.Error.parsing
val sexp_of_parsing : Biocaml_gff.Error.parsing -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_gff.Error.t
val sexp_of_t : Biocaml_gff.Error.t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t