type optional_content_parsing =
[ `wrong_optional of
(string * char * string) list *
[ `not_a_char of string
| `not_a_float of string
| `not_an_int of string
| `unknown_type of char
| `wrong_array of
[ `not_a_char of string
| `not_a_float of string
| `not_an_int of string
| `unknown_type of char
| `wrong_type of string ]
| `wrong_type of string ] ]
type string_to_raw =
[ `incomplete_input of
Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string list * string option
| `invalid_header_tag of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `invalid_tag_value_list of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string list
| `not_an_int of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string * string
| `wrong_alignment of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `wrong_optional_field of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string ]
type raw_to_item =
[ `comment_after_end_of_header of int * string
| `duplicate_in_reference_sequence_dictionary of
Biocaml_sam_deprecated.reference_sequence array
| `header_after_end_of_header of
int * (string * (string * string) list)
| `header_line_not_first of int
| `header_line_without_version of (string * string) list
| `header_line_wrong_sorting of string
| `missing_ref_sequence_length of (string * string) list
| `missing_ref_sequence_name of (string * string) list
| `wrong_cigar_text of string
| `wrong_flag of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_mapq of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_optional of
(string * char * string) list *
[ `not_a_char of string
| `not_a_float of string
| `not_an_int of string
| `unknown_type of char
| `wrong_array of
[ `not_a_char of string
| `not_a_float of string
| `not_an_int of string
| `unknown_type of char
| `wrong_type of string ]
| `wrong_type of string ]
| `wrong_phred_scores of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_pnext of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_pos of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_qname of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_ref_sequence_length of (string * string) list
| `wrong_tlen of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment ]
type item_to_raw =
[ `wrong_phred_scores of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.alignment ]
type parse =
[ `comment_after_end_of_header of int * string
| `duplicate_in_reference_sequence_dictionary of
Biocaml_sam_deprecated.reference_sequence array
| `header_after_end_of_header of
int * (string * (string * string) list)
| `header_line_not_first of int
| `header_line_without_version of (string * string) list
| `header_line_wrong_sorting of string
| `incomplete_input of
Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string list * string option
| `invalid_header_tag of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `invalid_tag_value_list of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string list
| `missing_ref_sequence_length of (string * string) list
| `missing_ref_sequence_name of (string * string) list
| `not_an_int of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string * string
| `wrong_alignment of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `wrong_cigar_text of string
| `wrong_flag of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_mapq of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_optional of
(string * char * string) list *
[ `not_a_char of string
| `not_a_float of string
| `not_an_int of string
| `unknown_type of char
| `wrong_array of
[ `not_a_char of string
| `not_a_float of string
| `not_an_int of string
| `unknown_type of char
| `wrong_type of string ]
| `wrong_type of string ]
| `wrong_optional_field of Biocaml_internal_utils.Pos.t * string
| `wrong_phred_scores of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_pnext of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_pos of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_qname of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment
| `wrong_ref_sequence_length of (string * string) list
| `wrong_tlen of Biocaml_sam_deprecated.raw_alignment ]
type t = Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.parse
val optional_content_parsing_of_sexp :
Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.optional_content_parsing
val sexp_of_optional_content_parsing :
Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.optional_content_parsing -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val string_to_raw_of_sexp :
Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.string_to_raw
val sexp_of_string_to_raw :
Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.string_to_raw -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val raw_to_item_of_sexp :
Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.raw_to_item
val sexp_of_raw_to_item :
Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.raw_to_item -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val item_to_raw_of_sexp :
Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.item_to_raw
val sexp_of_item_to_raw :
Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.item_to_raw -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val parse_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.parse
val sexp_of_parse : Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.parse -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.parse
val sexp_of_t : Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error.parse -> Sexplib.Sexp.t