exception Bad of string
type strand = Sense | Antisense | Unknown | Unstranded
type attribute = TagValue of string * string | Something of string
type row = {
chr : string;
source : string;
feature : string;
pos : int * int;
score : float option;
strand : Biocaml_gff.strand;
phase : int option;
attributes : Biocaml_gff.attribute list;
type t
val of_file :
?chr_map:(string -> string) ->
?version:int -> ?strict:bool -> string -> Biocaml_gff.t
val of_list : Biocaml_gff.row list -> Biocaml_gff.t
val fold : ('a -> Biocaml_gff.row -> 'a) -> 'a -> Biocaml_gff.t -> 'a
val iter : (Biocaml_gff.row -> unit) -> Biocaml_gff.t -> unit
val fold_file :
?version:int ->
?strict:bool -> ('a -> Biocaml_gff.row -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
val iter_file :
?version:int ->
?strict:bool -> (Biocaml_gff.row -> unit) -> string -> unit
val to_list : Biocaml_gff.t -> Biocaml_gff.row list
val enum : Biocaml_gff.t -> Biocaml_gff.row BatEnum.t
val to_map : Biocaml_gff.t -> Biocaml_gff.row list Biocaml_std.StringMap.t
val map_of_file :
?version:int ->
?strict:bool -> string -> Biocaml_gff.row list Biocaml_std.StringMap.t
val row_to_string : ?version:int -> Biocaml_gff.row -> string
val to_channel :
?version:int -> Biocaml_gff.t -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
val to_file : ?version:int -> Biocaml_gff.t -> string -> unit
val attribute_names : Biocaml_gff.row -> string list
val get_attribute : Biocaml_gff.row -> string -> string
val get_attributel : Biocaml_gff.row -> string -> string list
val has_attribute : Biocaml_gff.row -> string -> bool
val add_attribute : string -> string -> Biocaml_gff.row -> Biocaml_gff.row
val set_attribute : string -> string -> Biocaml_gff.row -> Biocaml_gff.row
val delete_attribute : string -> Biocaml_gff.row -> Biocaml_gff.row
val index_by_attribute :
string -> Biocaml_gff.t -> (string, Biocaml_gff.row list) Hashtbl.t