module RSet: Biocaml_rSet
Type of a set of integers.
range = Biocaml_range.t
exception Bad of string
val empty : t
The empty set.
val of_range_list : (int * int) list -> t
Construct the set of integers representing the union of integers in all given ranges.
val to_range_list : t -> (int * int) list
Return set of integers as a minimal list of non-overlapping ranges in ascending order by their coordinates.
val to_list : t -> int list
Return set of integers as a list. Elements will be in ascending order.
val size : t -> int
Number of elements in set.
val is_empty : t -> bool
Return true if given set is empty.
val inter : t -> t -> t
Set intersection.
val union : t -> t -> t
Set union.
val diff : t -> t -> t
Set difference. diff s t
is the set of elements that are in s
but not in t
val subset : t -> t -> bool
subset s t
returns true if s
is a subset of t