module Sgr: Biocaml_sgr
exception Bad of string
val of_channel : ?chr_map:(string -> string) ->
?increment_bp:int -> Pervasives.in_channel -> t
val of_file : ?chr_map:(string -> string) -> ?increment_bp:int -> string -> t
val of_list : (string * int * float) list -> t
val of_chr_lists : (string * (int * float) list) list -> t
val to_channel : ?chr_map:(string -> string) ->
?increment_bp:int -> t -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
val to_file : ?chr_map:(string -> string) ->
?increment_bp:int -> t -> string -> unit
Items will be printed in ascending order by (chr,coord)
val to_list : t -> (string * int * float) list
Items will be returned in ascending order by (chr,coord)
val to_chr_lists : t -> (string * (int * float) list) list
Outer list will be in ascending order by chr
, and inner lists will be in ascending order by coord