type 'a raw_item = [
| `comment of string
| `header of string
| `partial_sequence of 'a
with sexp
let rec next ~parse_sequence
?(pedantic=true) ?(sharp_comments=true) ?(semicolon_comments=false) p =
let open Biocaml_transform.Line_oriented in
match next_line p with
| Some "" ->
if pedantic
then output_error (`empty_line (current_position p))
next ~parse_sequence ~pedantic ~sharp_comments ~semicolon_comments p
| Some l when sharp_comments && String.is_prefix l ~prefix:"#" ->
output_ok (`comment String.(sub l ~pos:1 ~len:(length l - 1)))
| Some l when semicolon_comments && String.is_prefix l ~prefix:";" ->
output_ok (`comment String.(sub l ~pos:1 ~len:(length l - 1)))
| Some l when String.is_prefix l ~prefix:">" ->
output_ok (`header String.(sub l ~pos:1 ~len:(length l - 1)))
| Some l ->
parse_sequence ~pedantic l
| None ->
let generic_parser ~parse_sequence
?filename ?pedantic ?sharp_comments ?semicolon_comments () =
let name =
sprintf "fasta_parser:%s" Option.(value ~default:"<>" filename) in
let next =
next ~parse_sequence ?pedantic ?sharp_comments ?semicolon_comments in
Biocaml_transform.Line_oriented.make ~name ?filename ~next ()
~on_error:(function `next e -> e
| `incomplete_input e -> `incomplete_input e)
let string_to_char_seq_raw_item =
generic_parser ~parse_sequence:(fun ~pedantic l ->
if pedantic && String.exists l
~f:(function 'A' .. 'Z' | '*' | '-' -> false | _ -> true)
then output_error (`malformed_partial_sequence l)
else output_ok (`partial_sequence l)
let string_to_int_seq_raw_item =
generic_parser ~parse_sequence:(fun ~pedantic l ->
let exploded = String.split ~on:' ' l in
output_ok (`partial_sequence
(List.filter_map exploded (function
| "" -> None
| s -> Some (Int.of_string s))))
with _ -> output_error (`malformed_partial_sequence l)
let generic_printer ~to_string ?comment_char () =
let module PQ = Biocaml_transform.Printer_queue in
let printer =
PQ.make ~to_string:(function
| `comment c ->
Option.value_map comment_char ~default:"" ~f:(fun o -> sprintf "%c%s\n" o c)
| `header n -> ">" ^ n ^ "\n"
| `partial_sequence s -> (to_string s) ^ "\n") () in
Biocaml_transform.make ~name:"fasta_printer" ()
~feed:(fun r -> PQ.feed printer r)
~next:(fun stopped ->
match (PQ.flush printer) with
| "" -> if stopped then `end_of_stream else `not_ready
| s -> `output s)
let char_seq_raw_item_to_string = generic_printer ~to_string:ident
let int_seq_raw_item_to_string = generic_printer ~to_string:(fun l ->
String.concat ~sep:" " ( l Int.to_string))
let generic_aggregator ~flush ~add ~is_empty ~unnamed_sequence () =
let current_name = ref None in
let result = Queue.create () in
Biocaml_transform.make ~name:"fasta_aggregator" ()
| `header n ->
Queue.enqueue result (!current_name, flush ());
current_name := Some n;
| `partial_sequence s -> add s
| `comment c -> ())
~next:(fun stopped ->
match Queue.dequeue result with
| None ->
if stopped
begin match !current_name with
| None -> `end_of_stream
| Some name ->
current_name := None;
output_ok {header=name; sequence=flush ()}
else `not_ready
| Some (None, stuff) when is_empty stuff -> `not_ready
| Some (None, non_empty) ->
output_error (unnamed_sequence non_empty)
| Some (Some name, seq) ->
output_ok {header=name; sequence=seq})
let char_seq_raw_item_to_item () =
let current_sequence = Buffer.create 42 in
~flush:(fun () ->
let s = Buffer.contents current_sequence in
Buffer.clear current_sequence;
~add:(fun s -> Buffer.add_string current_sequence s)
~is_empty:(fun s -> s = "")
~unnamed_sequence:(fun x -> `unnamed_char_seq x)
let int_seq_raw_item_to_item () =
let scores = Queue.create () in
~flush:(fun () ->
let l = Queue.to_list scores in
Queue.clear scores;
List.concat l)
~add:(fun l -> Queue.enqueue scores l)
~is_empty:((=) [])
~unnamed_sequence:(fun x -> `unnamed_int_seq x)
let char_seq_item_to_raw_item ?(items_per_line=80) () =
let queue = Queue.create () in
Biocaml_transform.make ~name:"fasta_slicer" ()
~feed:(fun {header=hdr; sequence=seq} ->
Queue.enqueue queue (`header hdr);
let rec loop idx =
if idx + items_per_line >= String.length seq then (
Queue.enqueue queue
(`partial_sequence String.(sub seq idx (length seq - idx)));
) else (
Queue.enqueue queue
(`partial_sequence String.(sub seq idx items_per_line));
loop (idx + items_per_line);
) in
loop 0)
~next:(fun stopped ->
match Queue.dequeue queue with
| Some s -> `output s
| None -> if stopped then `end_of_stream else `not_ready)
let int_seq_item_to_raw_item ?(items_per_line=27) () =
let queue = Queue.create () in
Biocaml_transform.make ~name:"fasta_slicer" ()
~feed:(fun {header=hdr; sequence=seq} ->
Queue.enqueue queue (`header hdr);
let rec loop l =
match List.split_n l items_per_line with
| finish, [] ->
Queue.enqueue queue (`partial_sequence finish);
| some, rest ->
Queue.enqueue queue (`partial_sequence some);
loop rest
loop seq)
~next:(fun stopped ->
match Queue.dequeue queue with
| Some s -> `output s
| None -> if stopped then `end_of_stream else `not_ready)