open Core.Std
type t = {file:string option; line:int option; col:int option}
with sexp
exception Bad of string
let raise_bad msg = raise (Bad msg)
exception Undefined
let assert_well_formed t =
if Option.is_some t.col && not (Option.is_some t.line) then raise_bad "cannot set column number without line number"
let make ?file ?line ?col () = {file; line; col}
let f s = {file=Some s; line=None; col=None}
let l k = {file=None; line=Some k; col=None}
let fl s k = {file=Some s; line=Some k; col=None}
let lc k1 k2 = {file=None; line=Some k1; col=Some k2}
let flc s k1 k2 = {file=Some s; line=Some k1; col=Some k2}
let unknown = {file=None; line=None; col=None}
let file_exn t = match t.file with Some s -> s | None -> raise Undefined
let line_exn t = match t.line with Some s -> s | None -> raise Undefined
let col_exn t = match t.col with Some s -> s | None -> raise Undefined
let set_file t s = let ans = {t with file = Some s} in assert_well_formed ans; ans
let set_line t k = let ans = {t with line = Some k} in assert_well_formed ans; ans
let set_col t k = let ans = {t with col = Some k} in assert_well_formed ans; ans
let incrl t k =
match t.line with
None -> raise Undefined
| Some l -> {t with line = Some (l+k)}
let to_string t =
if Option.is_none t.file && Option.is_none t.line && Option.is_none t.col then
let f =
match t.file with
None -> ""
| Some s -> (match t.line with None -> s | Some _ -> s ^ ":")
let l =
match t.line with
None -> ""
| Some k -> (match t.col with None -> string_of_int k | Some _ -> string_of_int k ^ ".")
let c =
match t.col with
None -> ""
| Some k -> string_of_int k
f ^ l ^ c