open Biocaml_internal_pervasives
type t = {lo:int; hi:int} with sexp
exception Bad of string
let raise_bad msg = raise (Bad msg)
let make l u =
if l <= u then {lo=l; hi=u}
else raise_bad (sprintf "lower bound %d must be less than or equal to upper bound %d" l u)
let make_opt l u = try Some (make l u) with Bad _ -> None
let to_pair t = t.lo, t.hi
let size v = v.hi - v.lo + 1
let equal u v = u.lo = v.lo && u.hi = v.hi
let member t k = t.lo <= k && k <= t.hi
let to_string t = String.concat ["["; string_of_int t.lo; ", ";
string_of_int t.hi; "]"]
let to_list v = List.init (size v) ((+) v.lo)
let overlap u v = (min u.hi v.hi) - (max u.lo v.lo) + 1
let gap u v = -(overlap u v)
let union u v =
if overlap u v < 0 then [u;v]
else [{lo = min u.lo v.lo; hi = max u.hi v.hi}]
let intersect u v =
let l = max u.lo v.lo in
let h = min u.hi v.hi in
if l <= h then Some {lo=l; hi=h} else None
let strict_before u v = u.lo < v.lo && u.hi < v.hi
let strict_after u v = strict_before v u
let before u v = strict_before u v || equal u v
let after u v = before v u
let compare_positional u v =
if equal u v then Some 0
else if strict_before u v then Some (-1)
else if strict_after u v then Some 1
else None
let subset u v = u.lo >= v.lo && u.hi <= v.hi
let superset u v = subset v u
let strict_subset u v = subset u v && not (equal u v)
let strict_superset u v = strict_subset v u
let compare_containment u v =
if equal u v then Some 0
else if strict_subset u v then Some (-1)
else if strict_superset u v then Some 1
else None
let compare u v = u v
let compare_lo u v = u.lo v.lo
let compare_hi u v = u.hi v.hi
let compare_lo_then_hi u v =
match u.lo v.lo with
| 0 -> u.hi v.hi
| -1 -> -1
| 1 -> 1
| _ -> assert false
let any_overlap tl =
let tl = List.sort ~cmp:compare_lo tl in
let rec loop tl =
match tl with
| [] | _::[] -> false
| u::v::tl -> v.lo <= u.hi || loop (v::tl)
in loop tl
let all_positional vl =
let cmp = Order.compose compare_containment compare_positional in
let vl = List.sort ~cmp vl in
let rec loop vl =
match vl with
| [] | _::[] -> true
| u::v::vl -> (before u v) && loop (v::vl)
in loop vl
let max_gap_of_positional vl =
let cmp = Order.compose compare_containment compare_positional in
let vl = List.sort ~cmp vl in
let rec loop ans vl =
match vl with
| [] | _::[] -> ans
| u::v::vl ->
if before u v
then loop (max ans (gap u v)) (v::vl)
else failwith (sprintf "ranges %s and %s not positionally comparable" (to_string u) (to_string v))
match vl with
| [] | _::[] -> failwith "given fewer than two ranges"
| u::v::vl -> loop (gap u v) (v::vl)
let find_min_range ?(init_direction="fwd") v pred i =
if i < v.lo || i > v.hi then invalid_arg (sprintf "%d not in range %s" i (to_string v));
let rec loop (dir:string) ans =
if pred ans then Some ans
else if equal ans v then None
match dir with
| "fwd" -> let hi' = if ans.hi = v.hi then ans.hi else ans.hi+1 in loop "rev" {ans with hi = hi'}
| "rev" -> let lo' = if ans.lo = v.lo then ans.lo else ans.lo-1 in loop "fwd" {ans with lo = lo'}
| _ -> invalid_arg (sprintf "valid directions are \"fwd\" or \"rev\" but given \"%s\"" dir)
in loop init_direction {lo=i; hi=i}
let expand_assoc_list tal =
let ans = Caml.Hashtbl.create 100 in
let insert (t,a) =
for i = t.lo to t.hi do
let prev = try Caml.Hashtbl.find ans i with Not_found -> [] in
Caml.Hashtbl.replace ans i (a::prev)
let _ = List.iter ~f:insert tal in
let ans = Caml.Hashtbl.fold (fun key value ans -> (key,value)::ans) ans [] in
List.rev ( ~f:(fun (i,al) -> i, List.rev al) ans)
let find_regions ?(max_gap=0) pred tal =
if any_overlap ( ~f:fst tal) then failwith "overlapping ranges not allowed";
let tal = List.sort ~cmp:(fun (u,_) (v,_) -> Order.totalify compare_positional u v) tal in
let insert (curr : (t * int) option) ans =
match curr with
| None -> ans
| Some (v,gap) ->
try (make v.lo (v.hi - gap))::ans
with Bad _ ->
failwithf "gap = %d, range = %s" gap (to_string v) () in
let rec loop (curr : (t * int) option) ans tal =
match tal with
| [] -> insert curr ans
| (t,a)::tal ->
match curr with
| None ->
let curr = if pred a then Some(t,0) else None in
loop curr ans tal
| Some (curr_v, curr_gap) ->
let extra_gap = t.lo - curr_v.hi - 1 in
let t,pred,tal =
if extra_gap > 0 then
make (curr_v.hi + 1) (t.lo - 1), false, ((t,a)::tal)
t, pred a, tal
let curr_v = make curr_v.lo t.hi in
let curr_gap = if pred then 0 else size t + curr_gap in
let curr = Some (curr_v, curr_gap) in
if curr_gap > max_gap
then loop None (insert curr ans) tal
else loop curr ans tal
List.rev (loop None [] tal)
let rec make_random t =
let max = t.hi - t.lo + 1 in
let l = t.lo + max in
let u = t.lo + max in
try make l u with Bad _ -> make_random t