open Core.Std
include Stream
let next_exn = next
let next s = try Some (next_exn s) with Stream.Failure -> None
let npeek s n = npeek n s
let is_empty s =
match peek s with
| None -> true
| Some _ -> false
let empty () = from (const None)
let to_stream x = x
let of_stream x = x
exception Expected_streams_of_equal_length
let of_list l =
let lr = ref l in
let f _ = match !lr with
| h :: t -> lr := t ; Some h
| [] -> None
from f
let rec iteri xs ~f =
match peek xs with
| Some x -> f (count xs) x ; junk xs ; iteri xs ~f
| None -> ()
let iter xs ~f = iteri xs ~f:(const f)
let rec iter2i_exn xs ys ~f =
match peek xs, peek ys with
| Some x, Some y -> (
f (count xs) (count ys) x y;
junk xs ;
junk ys ;
iter2i_exn xs ys ~f
| None, None -> ()
| _, _ -> raise Expected_streams_of_equal_length
let iter2_exn xs ys ~f = iter2i_exn xs ys ~f:(const (const f))
let iter2i a b ~f =
try iter2i_exn a b ~f
with Expected_streams_of_equal_length -> ()
let iter2 a b ~f =
try iter2_exn a b ~f
with Expected_streams_of_equal_length -> ()
let rec find_map xs ~f =
match next xs with
| Some x -> (
match f x with
| Some x as y -> y
| None -> find_map xs ~f
| None -> None
let find xs ~f = find_map xs ~f:(fun x -> if f x then Some x else None)
let find_exn xs ~f = match find xs ~f with
| Some x -> x
| None -> raise Not_found
let exists xs ~f = match find xs ~f with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false
let rec for_all xs ~f =
match next xs with
| Some x when not (f x) -> false
| Some _ -> for_all xs ~f
| None -> true
let rec foldi xs ~init ~f =
match next xs with
| None -> init
| Some x -> foldi xs ~init:(f (count xs - 1) init x) ~f
let fold xs ~init ~f = foldi xs ~init ~f:(const f)
let reduce xs ~f =
match next xs with
| Some init -> fold xs ~init ~f
| None -> invalid_arg "Stream.reduce: stream should contain at least one element"
let sum = reduce ~f:( + )
let fsum = reduce ~f:( +. )
let rec fold2i_exn xs ys ~init ~f =
match next xs, next ys with
| Some x, Some y ->
let init = f (count xs - 1) (count ys - 1) init x y in
fold2i_exn xs ys ~init ~f
| None, None -> init
| _ -> raise Expected_streams_of_equal_length
let fold2_exn xs ys ~init ~f = fold2i_exn xs ys ~init ~f:(const (const f))
let rec fold2i xs ys ~init ~f =
match next xs, next ys with
| Some x, Some y ->
let init = f (count xs - 1) (count ys - 1) init x y in
fold2i xs ys ~init ~f
| _ -> init
let fold2 xs ys ~init ~f = fold2i xs ys ~init ~f:(const (const f))
let scanl xs ~init ~f =
let current = ref init in
let f i =
if i = 0 then Some init
else (
match next xs with
| Some x ->
current := f !current x ;
Some !current
| None -> None
from f
let scan xs ~f =
match next xs with
| Some init -> scanl xs ~init ~f
| None -> empty ()
let take_whilei xs ~f =
let aux i =
match peek xs with
| Some x when f i x -> junk xs ; Some x
| _ -> None
from aux
let take_while xs ~f = take_whilei xs ~f:(const f)
let take xs ~n =
take_whilei xs ~f:(fun j _ -> j < n)
let rec drop_whilei xs ~f =
match peek xs with
| Some x when f (count xs) x -> junk xs ; drop_whilei xs ~f
| _ -> ()
let drop_while xs ~f = drop_whilei xs ~f:(const f)
let drop xs ~n =
drop_whilei xs ~f:(fun j _ -> j < n)
let skip_whilei xs ~f =
drop_whilei xs ~f ;
from (fun _ -> next xs)
let skip_while xs ~f = skip_whilei xs ~f:(const f)
let skip xs ~n =
drop xs ~n ;
from (fun _ -> next xs)
let span xs ~f =
let queue = Queue.create ()
and read_from_queue = ref false in
let head _ =
if !read_from_queue then
Queue.dequeue queue
match peek xs with
| Some x as e when f x -> junk xs ; e
| _ -> None
and tail _ =
if not !read_from_queue then
read_from_queue := true;
let rec aux () =
match peek xs with
| Some x when f x -> Queue.enqueue queue x ; aux ()
| e -> e
in aux ()
else next xs
(from head, from tail)
let group_aux xs map eq =
let prev_group_force = ref ignore in
let for_each_group _ =
!prev_group_force () ;
match next xs with
| None -> None
| Some x ->
let queue = Queue.create ()
and forced = ref false
and mapped_x = map x in
let aux i =
if i = 0 then Some x
else (
if !forced then
Queue.dequeue queue
else (
match peek xs with
| Some y as e when eq (map y) mapped_x -> junk xs ; e
| _ -> None
) in
let force () =
forced := true ;
let rec loop () =
match peek xs with
| Some y when eq (map y) mapped_x ->
junk xs ;
Queue.enqueue queue y ;
loop ()
| _ -> ()
loop ()
prev_group_force := force ;
Some (from aux)
from for_each_group
let group xs ~f = group_aux xs f ( = )
let group_by xs ~eq = group_aux xs ident eq
let mapi xs ~f =
let aux i = (next xs) ~f:(f i) in
from aux
let map xs ~f =
let aux _ = (next xs) ~f in
from aux
let filter xs ~f =
let rec aux i =
match next xs with
| Some x when not (f x) -> aux i
| x -> x
from aux
let filter_map xs ~f =
let rec aux i =
match next xs with
| Some x -> (
match f x with
| None -> aux i
| x -> x
| None -> None
from aux
let append xs ys =
let aux _ =
match next xs with
| None -> next ys
| e -> e
from aux
let concat xs =
let rec find_next_non_empty_stream xs =
match peek xs with
| Some stream when is_empty stream ->
junk xs ;
find_next_non_empty_stream xs
| x -> x
let current = ref (empty ()) in
let aux _ =
match next !current with
| None -> (
match find_next_non_empty_stream xs with
| None -> None
| Some stream ->
current := stream ;
next stream
| x -> x
from aux
let combine (xs, ys) =
let aux _ =
match peek xs, peek ys with
| Some x, Some y ->
junk xs ;
junk ys ;
Some (x,y)
| _ -> None
from aux
let uncombine xs =
let whosfirst = ref `left
and lq = Queue.create ()
and rq = Queue.create () in
let rec left i =
match !whosfirst with
| `left -> (
match next xs with
| None -> None
| Some (l,r) ->
Queue.enqueue rq r ;
Some l
| `right -> (
match Queue.dequeue lq with
| None ->
whosfirst := `left ;
left i
| x -> x
and right i =
match !whosfirst with
| `right -> (
match next xs with
| None -> None
| Some (l,r) ->
Queue.enqueue lq l ;
Some r
| `left -> (
match Queue.dequeue rq with
| None ->
whosfirst := `right ;
right i
| x -> x
from left, from right
let merge xs ys ~cmp =
let aux _ =
match peek xs, peek ys with
| Some x as ex, Some y when cmp x y <= 0 -> junk xs ; ex
| Some _, (Some _ as ey) -> junk ys ; ey
| Some _ as ex, None -> junk xs ; ex
| None, (Some _ as ey) -> junk ys ; ey
| None, None -> None
from aux
let partition xs ~f =
let pos_queue = Queue.create ()
and neg_queue = Queue.create () in
let rec pos i =
match Queue.dequeue pos_queue with
| None -> (
match next xs with
| Some x when not (f x) -> Queue.enqueue neg_queue x ; pos i
| e -> e
| e -> e
and neg i =
match Queue.dequeue neg_queue with
| None -> (
match next xs with
| Some x when f x -> Queue.enqueue pos_queue x ; neg i
| e -> e
| e -> e
from pos, from neg
let uniq xs =
match peek xs with
| None -> empty ()
| Some first ->
let prev = ref first in
let rec aux i =
if i = 0 then Some first
else (
match next xs with
| None -> None
| Some x ->
if x = !prev then
aux i
else (
prev := x ;
Some x
from aux
let init n ~f =
if n < 0 then empty ()
else (
let aux i =
if i < n then Some (f i)
else None
from aux
let singleton x = init 1 (const x)
let to_list t =
List.rev (fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun l b -> b::l) t)
let result_to_exn s ~error_to_exn =
from (fun _ ->
match next s with
| None -> None
| Some result -> match result with
| Ok x -> Some x
| Result.Error x -> raise (error_to_exn x)
let unfoldi init ~f =
let a = ref init in
from (fun i -> match f i !a with
| Some (b, a_next) -> (a := a_next; Some b)
| None -> None
let unfold init ~f = unfoldi init ~f:(const f)
let range ?until n =
let stop = Option.value_map until ~default:(fun _ -> false) ~f:( < ) in
unfold n (fun i -> if stop i then None else Some (i, i + 1))
let of_lazy s =
let next i = next (Lazy.force s) in
from next
let strings_of_channel ?(buffer_size=65536) inp =
let buf = String.create buffer_size in
from (fun _ ->
match In_channel.input inp ~buf ~pos:0 ~len:buffer_size with
| 0 -> None
| len -> Some (String.sub buf ~pos:0 ~len)
module Infix = struct
let ( -- ) x y = range x ~until:y
let ( --. ) (a, step) b =
let n = Int.of_float ((b -. a) /. step) + 1 in
if n < 0 then
empty ()
init n ~f:(fun i -> Float.of_int i *. step +. a)
let ( --^ ) x y = range x ~until:(y-1)
let ( --- ) x y =
if x <= y then x -- y
else unfold x ~f:(fun prev -> if prev >= y then Some (prev, prev - 1) else None)
let ( /@ ) x f = map x ~f
let ( // ) x f = filter x ~f
let ( //@ ) x f = filter_map x ~f