open Biocaml_internal_pervasives
module Row = struct
type item_type = [`type_int | `type_float | `type_string ] with sexp
type t_type = item_type array with sexp
type item = [`int of int | `float of float | `string of string ] with sexp
type t = item array with sexp
let of_line ?(separators=[' '; '\t']) ?(strict=false) ?format line =
let l = (line : Biocaml_line.t :> string) in
let module With_exns = struct
exception Int_of_string of string
exception Float_of_string of string
let int s =
try Int.of_string s with e -> raise (Int_of_string s)
let float s =
try Float.of_string s with e -> raise (Float_of_string s)
let of_line ~format l =
let tokens =
String.split_on_chars ~on:separators l |! List.filter ~f:((<>) "")
|! Array.of_list in
begin match format with
| None ->
Ok ( tokens ~f:(fun s -> `string s))
| Some format ->
begin try
if strict && Array.length format > Array.length tokens
then Error (`wrong_format (`column_number, format, l))
else begin
let row =
Array.mapi tokens ~f:(fun i tok ->
let typ =
if strict then format.(i)
else (try format.(i) with _ -> `type_string) in
match typ with
| `type_int -> `int (int tok)
| `type_float -> `float (float tok)
| `type_string -> `string tok) in
Ok row
| Invalid_argument _ ->
Error (`wrong_format (`column_number, format, l))
| Int_of_string s ->
Error (`wrong_format (`int_of_string s, format, l))
| Float_of_string s ->
Error (`wrong_format (`float_of_string s, format, l))
end in
(With_exns.of_line ~format l : (t, _) Result.t)
let to_line ~sep t =
let item_to_string = function
| `int i -> Int.to_string i
| `float f -> sprintf "%g" f
| `string s -> s in
(String.concat_array ~sep ( t ~f:item_to_string))