type string_to_raw_item =
[ `empty_line of Biocaml_pos.t
| `incomplete_input of Biocaml_pos.t * string list * string option
| `malformed_partial_sequence of string ]
type t =
[ `empty_line of Biocaml_pos.t
| `incomplete_input of Biocaml_pos.t * string list * string option
| `malformed_partial_sequence of string
| `unnamed_char_seq of Biocaml_fasta.char_seq
| `unnamed_int_seq of Biocaml_fasta.int_seq ]
val sexp_of_string_to_raw_item :
Biocaml_fasta.Error.string_to_raw_item -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val string_to_raw_item_of_sexp :
Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_fasta.Error.string_to_raw_item
val string_to_raw_item_of_sexp__ :
Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_fasta.Error.string_to_raw_item
val sexp_of_t : Biocaml_fasta.Error.t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_fasta.Error.t
val t_of_sexp__ : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> Biocaml_fasta.Error.t