Module Biocaml_msg (.ml)

Consistent printing of errors, warnings, and bugs. An error is a user mistake that prevents continuing program execution, a warning is a milder problem that the program continues to execute through, and a bug is a mistake in the software.

module Biocaml_msg: 
val err : ?pos:Biocaml_pos.t -> string -> string
val warn : ?pos:Biocaml_pos.t -> string -> string
val bug : ?pos:Biocaml_pos.t -> string -> string
Create a string communicating an error, warning, or bug. First optional arugment is position where problem ocurred. Second argument is a string explaining the problem.
val print_err : ?pos:Biocaml_pos.t -> string -> unit
val print_warn : ?pos:Biocaml_pos.t -> string -> unit
val print_bug : ?pos:Biocaml_pos.t -> string -> unit
Print an error, warning, or bug. First optional arugment is position where problem ocurred. Second argument is a string explaining the problem.
val max_array_length_error : string
String explaining OCaml's array length limitation on 32-bit machines.

Message tree for more complex messages.

module Tree: 
type t = 
| T of string * t list (*A tree of messages. The tree (msg,sub_msgs) is interpreted as meaning that sub_msgs are the various possible explanations for msg.*)
val leaf : string -> t
val add_child : t -> t -> t
add_child t x inserts x as the right-most child of t.
val to_string : t -> string