Module Biocaml.Fasta

module Fasta: Biocaml_fasta

exception Error of string
type record = string * string 
Header and content. Multiline content is concatenated into a single string. All characters other than newline are retained.
type recordi = string * int list 
Header and integers. Content is assumed to be space-separated integers, possibly spanning multiple lines.
val enum_input : Batteries.IO.input ->
Biocaml_comments.t * record Batteries.Enum.t
Returns comments and enumeration of fasta records in given input.
val enum_of_file : string -> Biocaml_comments.t * record Batteries.Enum.t
Returns comments and enumeration of fasta records in given path.
val enum_inputi : Batteries.IO.input ->
Biocaml_comments.t * recordi Batteries.Enum.t