Module Biocaml.Cel (.ml)

module Cel: Biocaml_cel

type t 
The type of a CEL file.
exception Bad of string
Raised when encountering ill-formed CEL type.
val of_file : string -> t
Parse given file if possible. Raise Bad if there are any parse errors.
val of_file_opt : string -> t option
Parse given file if possible.

Operations on Intensity Section

type idata = {
   mean :float; (*mean intensity value*)
   stdv :float; (*standard deviation of intensity*)
   npixels :int; (*number of pixels used in mean/stdv calculation*)
type irow = {
   xcoord :int; (*x-coordinate*)
   ycoord :int; (*y-coordinate*)
   idata :idata;
Represents row in intensity section
val ifold : ('a -> irow -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
ifold f a t folds over data rows in intensity section of t.
val iiter : (irow -> unit) -> t -> unit
iiter f t iterates over the rows in intensity section of t.
val data : Biocaml_bpmap.t ->
t list ->
(Biocaml_bpmap.probe * (idata * idata) list) list
data bpmap cels returns a list associating probes with pairs of (PM,MM) idata in each of the given cel files (in the same order of course). Raise Failure if any file in cels lacks a value for any probe in bpmap.
val pm_mm : Biocaml_bpmap.t ->
t list -> (Biocaml_bpmap.probe * float list) list
Similar to but the data returned are the PM-MM mean intensity values in cels.
val pm : Biocaml_bpmap.t ->
t list -> (Biocaml_bpmap.probe * float list) list
Similar to but the data returned are the PM mean intensity values in cels.
val mm : Biocaml_bpmap.t ->
t list -> (Biocaml_bpmap.probe * float list) list
Similar to but the data returned are the MM mean intensity values in cels.