module Biocaml_bpmap: sig
.. end
Affymetrix's BPMAP files. Only text format supported. Binary BPMAP files must first be converted to text using Affymetrix's probe exporter tool.
probe = {
org_name :string ; |
version :string ; |
chr_name :string ; |
start_pos :int ; |
sequence :Biocaml_seq.t ; |
row = {
pmcoord :int * int ; |
mmcoord :int * int ; |
probe :probe ; |
Type of information on one data row.
Type of a BPMAP file.
exception Bad of string
Raised when encountering ill-formed BPMAP.
val num_probes : t -> int
Number of PM/MM probe pairs in given BPMAP. The number of total probes is twice this value.
val col_names : string list
Names of columns in BPMAP file, in the order required by specification.
val iter : (row -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : ('a -> row -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val to_list : t -> row list
val of_file : ?chr_map:(string -> string) -> string -> t
of_file file
parses file
. If given, chr_map
is applied to every chromosome name. Raise Bad
if there is a parse error.
val row_to_string : row -> string
String representation of row in same format as required by specification.
val to_file : string -> t -> unit
to_file file t
prints t
to file
in format required by specification.