Module Biocaml_fastq (.ml)

module Biocaml_fastq: sig .. end
FASTQ data.

type item = {
   name :string;
   sequence :string;
   comment :string;
   qualities :string;
Type of FASTQ items.
module Error: sig .. end
val in_channel_to_item_stream : ?buffer_size:int ->
?filename:string ->
Pervasives.in_channel ->
(item, Error.t) Core.Result.t Stream.t
module Exceptionful: sig .. end
module Transform: sig .. end
val item_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> item
val sexp_of_item : item -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
Type of FASTQ items.

Errors. All errors generated by any function in the Fastq module are defined here.

Transform error to a human-readable string.

Create a full stoppable Biocaml_transform.t from arbitrary strings to item values.

Create a full stoppable Biocaml_transform.t from item values to strings.

Create a full stoppable Biocaml_transform.t that trims FASTQ items.