A datastructure (based on Hashtbl) to accumulate values.
An Accu.t
can be seen as a generalized histogram: values
are mapped to bins, and each bin has a corresponding value
which may be its size or its contents depending on the need.
module Biocaml_accu:
type ('instance, 'bin, 'increment, 'accu)
s are mapped to 'bin
and the 'accu
mulated value for a 'bin
is updated with an
val create : ?n:int ->
'd -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'd -> 'd) -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t
create ~n e f op
creates an accumulator, which maps instances to bins
with f
, uses e
as a neutral element (that is the value associated to a
bin before any value has been added to it) and updates the value of a bin
with op
. n
is an estimation of the maximum number of bins.val add : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> 'a -> 'c -> unit
add accu x y
updates the value in accu
the bin of x
by an increment y
val get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> 'b -> 'd option
get accu x
returns the value associated to b
in accu
counter =('instance, 'instance, int, int) t
module Counter:
t ='a Biocaml_accu.counter
val add : 'a Biocaml_accu.counter -> 'a -> int -> unit
val tick : 'a Biocaml_accu.counter -> 'a -> unit
val stream : 'a Biocaml_accu.counter -> ('a * int) Stream.t
val of_stream : 'a Stream.t -> 'a Biocaml_accu.counter
val counts : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Stream.t -> ('b * int) Stream.t
val product : ?filter:('a -> 'b -> bool) ->
('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> ('c * int) Stream.t
product filter f l1 l2
computes an histogram of values returned by f
when it is applied for all combinations of elements in l1
such that the predicate filter
is truetype('a, 'b)
relation =('a, 'a, 'b, 'b list) t
module Relation:
type('a, 'b)
t =('a, 'b) Biocaml_accu.relation
val stream : ('a, 'b) Biocaml_accu.relation -> ('a * 'b list) Stream.t
val of_stream : ('a * 'b) Stream.t -> ('a, 'b) Biocaml_accu.relation
val relation : ('a * 'b) Stream.t -> ('a * 'b list) Stream.t