Index of values

(>>=) [Biocaml_entrez.Fetch]
(>|=) [Biocaml_entrez.Fetch]
(|?) [Biocaml_internal_utils]
__cigar_op_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]
__header_item_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]
__header_item_tag_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]
__offset_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_phred_score]
__optional_field_value_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]
__platform_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]
__rnext_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]
__sort_order_of_sexp__ [Biocaml_sam]

accuracy [Biocaml_bin_pred]
add [Biocaml_iset]
Add the given int to the set, returning a new set
add [Biocaml_interval_tree]
add lo hi v t adds the interval (lo, hi) labeled with value v to the contents of t.
add [Biocaml_accu.Relation]
add [Biocaml_accu.Counter]
add [Biocaml_accu]
add accu x y updates the value in accu for the bin of x by an increment y
add_child [Biocaml_msg.Tree]
add_child t x inserts x as the right-most child of t.
add_range [Biocaml_iset]
add_range t lo hi adds the range of integers lo, hi (including both endpoints) to the given set, returning a new set
after [Biocaml_iset]
after ~n t returns the portion of t in the range n+1, max_int
after [Biocaml_range]
after u v is equivalent to before v u.
alg_name [Biocaml_bar]
Name of algorithm used to generate scores.
alg_version [Biocaml_bar]
Version number of algorithm used.
alignment [Biocaml_sam]
Low-level Alignment Parsers and Constructors
alignment_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
alignment_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
For cigar and qual, empty list indicates no value, i.e.
all_positional [Biocaml_range]
Return true if all pairs of given ranges are positionally comparable.
any_overlap [Biocaml_range]
Return true if any pair of given ranges overlap each other.

background_of_sequence [Biocaml_pwm]
background_of_sequence seq pc estimates the base frequency in seq using pc as pseudo-counts.
bed_graph_value_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig]
bed_to_string [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a printer for track files containing Bed(Graph) lines.
before [Biocaml_iset]
before x t returns the portion of t in the range min_int, n-1
before [Biocaml_range]
before u v is true if strict_before u v || equal u v.
best_hit [Biocaml_pwm]
best_hit mat seq returns the position and score of the best alignment found in seq for the motif mat.
bin [Biocaml_histogram]
bin hist i returns the ith bin of hist.
bin_exn [Biocaml_histogram]
bin hist i returns the ith bin of hist.
bug [Biocaml_msg]
Create a string communicating an error, warning, or bug.

cardinal [Biocaml_iset]
Returns the number of elements in the set
cardinal [Biocaml_interval_tree]
check_integrity [Biocaml_interval_tree]
Used for debugging purpose, should be removed in the long run
choose [Biocaml_iset]
Returns some element in the set
cigar [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
cigar_op_alignment_match [Biocaml_sam]
Low-level Optional field Parsers and Constructors
cigar_op_deletion [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_hard_clipping [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_insertion [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
cigar_op_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
CIGAR operations.
cigar_op_padding [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_seq_match [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_seq_mismatch [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_skipped [Biocaml_sam]
cigar_op_soft_clipping [Biocaml_sam]
close_in [Biocaml_bgzf]
Closes an open file.
close_out [Biocaml_bgzf]
Closes a file opened for writing.
closest [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LMap]
closest lmap loc returns the location in lmap that is the closest to loc, along with its annotation and the actual (minimal) distance.
closest [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LSet]
closest lset loc returns the location in lset that is the closest to loc, along with the actual (minimal) distance.
cnd [Biocaml_math]
Cumulative distribution function.
col_names [Biocaml_bpmap]
Names of columns in BPMAP file, in the order required by specification.
column [Biocaml_math]
column m i extracts the ith column of matrix m.
comment_of_line [Biocaml_fastq]
comment_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig]
compare [Biocaml_iset]
Compare two sets.
compare [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
compare [Biocaml_range]
compare [Biocaml_genomeMap.Chromosome]
compare_containment [Biocaml_range]
compare_containment u v returns -1 if u is a strict subset of v, 0 if u is equal to v, +1 if u is a strict superset of v, and returns None otherwise.
compare_of_list [Biocaml_internal_utils]
compare_of_list l returns a comparison function that defines a < b if a comes before b in l.
compare_positional [Biocaml_range]
compare_positional u v returns -1 if u is strictly before v, 0 if u is equal to v, +1 if u is strictly after v, and returns None otherwise.
compl [Biocaml_iset]
Create the complement of the given set - i.e.
compose [Biocaml_transform]
compose t u composes t and u.
compose_result_left [Biocaml_transform]
Like Biocaml_transform.compose_results but only the first transform returns Result.ts.
compose_results [Biocaml_transform]
compose_results t u is like Biocaml_transform.compose but for transforms returning Result.ts.
compose_results_merge_error [Biocaml_transform]
Like Biocaml_transform.compose_results but with a pre-specified on_error function.
confusion_matrix [Biocaml_bin_pred]
confusion_matrix ~scores ~labels ~threshold computes a confusion matrix from the classifier scores and example labels, based on a threshold.
contents [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Return any remaining lines and the unfinished string, without removing them from the buffer.
coord_convention [Biocaml_bar]
Probe coordinate convention used.
copy [Biocaml_histogram]
Copy histogram.
count [Biocaml_histogram]
count hist i returns the count the ith bin.
count_exn [Biocaml_histogram]
count hist i returns the count the ith bin.
counts [Biocaml_accu]
create [Biocaml_accu.Relation]
create [Biocaml_accu.Counter]
create [Biocaml_accu]
create ~n e f op creates an accumulator, which maps instances to bins with f, uses e as a neutral element (that is the value associated to a bin before any value has been added to it) and updates the value of a bin with op.
current_position [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Get the current position in the stream.

data [Biocaml_cel]
data bpmap cels returns a list associating probes with pairs of (PM,MM) idata in each of the given cel files (in the same order of course).
data_type [Biocaml_bar]
Return the type of data, either "signal" or "p-value".
decode [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
default [Biocaml_wig.Tags]
Default tags ({allow_empty_lines = false; sharp_comments = true}).
default [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
The default tags define a loose TSV format.
default [Biocaml_gff.Tags]
Default tags for a random Gff file: {version = `three; allow_empty_lines = false; sharp_comments = true}.
default_extension [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Give a file extension ("tsv", "csv", or "table").
default_fmt [Biocaml_fasta]
diff [Biocaml_iset]
Compute the difference between two sets.
diff [Biocaml_rSet]
Set difference.
diff [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
disable [Biocaml_internal_utils.Debug]
dispose_in [Biocaml_bgzf]
Releases the ressources associated to a (BGZF) channel (it can thus not be used after that call), apart from the underlying regular channel (which can be used further).
dispose_out [Biocaml_bgzf]
Releases the ressources associated to a (BGZF) channel (it can thus not be used after that call), apart from the underlying regular channel (which can be used further).

each_segment_properly_aligned [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
each_segment_properly_aligned [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
efetch_url [Biocaml_entrez]
Construction of efetch URLs.
elements [Biocaml_iset]
Returns a list of all elements in the set
elements [Biocaml_interval_tree]
empty [Biocaml_iset]
The empty set
empty [Biocaml_rSet]
The empty set.
empty [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Empty the buffer.
empty [Biocaml_interval_tree]
the empty tree
empty_header [Biocaml_sam]
enable [Biocaml_internal_utils.Debug]
encode [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
epsilon [Biocaml_math]
epsilon f init fin applies f n fin to all numbers from init to fin and adds them up.
equal [Biocaml_iset]
Test whether two sets are equal.
err [Biocaml_msg]
escape [Biocaml_internal_utils.Url]
Convert non-alphanumeric characters to their "%HX" URL-escaping format.
esearch_answer_of_string [Biocaml_entrez]
Parses an answer of esearch under XML format
esearch_url [Biocaml_entrez]
Construction of esearch URLs.
esummary_url [Biocaml_entrez]
Construction of esummary URLs
eval [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Signal]
function evaluation at some point in the genome
even [Biocaml_math]
True if given integer is even.
exists [Biocaml_iset]
Test whether some element of a set satisfies a predicate
expand_assoc_list [Biocaml_range]
exp_assoc_list dat returns a list associating each integer i with the list of values associated with all ranges overlapping i in dat.
expand_header_line [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Parse a header line into a more detailed type.

f1_score [Biocaml_bin_pred]
factorial [Biocaml_math]
false_discovery_rate [Biocaml_bin_pred]
false_positive_rate [Biocaml_bin_pred]
fast_scan [Biocaml_pwm]
Identical to scan but directly implemented in C
feed [Biocaml_transform]
feed t i stores i into the buffered transform.
feed_line [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Feed the parser with a line.
feed_string [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Feed the parser with an arbitrary string buffer.
fetch [Biocaml_entrez.Fetch]
filter [Biocaml_iset]
Builds the subset of those elements that satisfy the predicate
filter_compose [Biocaml_transform]
filter_compose t u ~destruct ~reconstruct produces a transform that feeds a filtered subset of ts outputs to u.
filter_overlapping [Biocaml_interval_tree]
Create an interval tree with the elements which overlap with [low, high].
find_bin_index [Biocaml_histogram]
find_bin_index hist x returns the index of the bin in hist containing x.
find_closest [Biocaml_interval_tree]
find_closest lo hi t returns the interval in t which is at minimal distance of the interval [lo;hi].
find_intersecting_elem [Biocaml_interval_tree]
find_intersecting_elem a b t is equivalent to Stream.filter ~f:(fun (x,y,_) -> intersects x y t) (stream t) but is more efficient.
find_min_range [Biocaml_range]
find_min_range v pred i finds the minimum sized range within v centered around i that satisfies pred.
find_min_window [Biocaml_math]
find_min_window a pred i finds the minimum sized window within a centered around index i that satisfies pred.
find_regions [Biocaml_range]
TO DO: fill in this documentation.
find_regions [Biocaml_math]
find_regions ~max_gap pred a returns an array of (first,last) index pairs denoting boundaries (inclusive) of regions found in a.
first_segment [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
first_segment [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
fixed_step_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig]
flags [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
flat_background [Biocaml_pwm]
Uniform distribution over A, C, G, T
fold [Biocaml_iset]
fold f t x0 returns the final result of merging each element of t into x0 using merge function f
fold [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Signal]
folds on constant intervals of the function, in increasing order
fold [Biocaml_bpmap]
fold_left [Biocaml_seq]
see String.fold_left.
fold_lefti [Biocaml_seq]
fold_range [Biocaml_iset]
As fold, but operates on contiguous ranges
for_all [Biocaml_iset]
Tests whether a predicate applies to all elements of the set
for_all [Biocaml_line]
format [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Get the defined format if any.
from [Biocaml_iset]
from ~n t returns the portion of t in the range n, max_int

gap [Biocaml_range]
gap u v returns the size of the gap between u and v.
genomic_map [Biocaml_bar]
File path of bpmap file used to generate scores.
get [Biocaml_accu]
get accu x returns the value associated to b in accu.
gff_to_string [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a printer for track files containing GFF lines.
git_commit [Biocaml_about]
Git commit if known.
group2 [Biocaml_lines.Transform]
Return a transform that converts a stream of lines to a stream of pairs of lines.

has_multiple_segments [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
has_multiple_segments [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
header [Biocaml_sam]
header_item_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
header_item_tag_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
header_line [Biocaml_sam]
Low-level Header Parsers and Constructors
header_line_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
histogram [Biocaml_math]
Return histogram of values using cmp (default = for comparison.

identity [Biocaml_transform]
identity () returns a transform that simply returns its inputs as outputs without modification (it can be seen as a simple Queue.t).
idxsort [Biocaml_math]
idxsort cmp a is like Array.sort but a is unaltered, and instead an array of the indices in sorted order is returned.
ifold [Biocaml_cel]
ifold f a t folds over data rows in intensity section of t.
iiter [Biocaml_cel]
iiter f t iterates over the rows in intensity section of t.
in_channel_strings_to_stream [Biocaml_transform]
in_channel_strings_to_stream ic t returns a stream of 'outputs given a transform t that knows how to produce 'outputs from strings.
in_channel_to_bed_graph [Biocaml_wig]
Get a stream of bed_graph_value values out of a WIG-file input-channel.
in_channel_to_bed_graph_exn [Biocaml_wig]
Do like in_channel_to_bed_graph but each call to may throw an exception.
in_channel_to_item_stream [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Parse an input-channel into a stream of high-level items.
in_channel_to_item_stream [Biocaml_wig]
Get a stream of item values out of an input-channel.
in_channel_to_item_stream [Biocaml_psl]
in_channel_to_item_stream [Biocaml_gff]
Parse an input-channel into item values.
in_channel_to_item_stream [Biocaml_bed]
Parse an input-channel into item values.
in_channel_to_item_stream [Biocaml_bam]
Create a stream of full Sam.item results from an input-channel.
in_channel_to_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Like in_channel_to_item_stream but each call to may raise Error _
in_channel_to_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_wig]
Do like in_channel_to_item_stream but each call to may throw an exception.
in_channel_to_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_psl]
in_channel_to_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_gff]
Like in_channel_to_item_stream but use exceptions for errors (raised within
in_channel_to_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_bed]
Like in_channel_to_item_stream but use exceptions for errors (raised within
in_channel_to_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_bam]
Create a stream of Sam.items from an input-channel (any call to may throw an Error _ exception).
in_channel_to_raw_item_stream [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Parse an input-channel into a stream of low-level (“raw”) items.
in_channel_to_raw_item_stream [Biocaml_bam]
Create a stream of raw_item results from an input-channel.
in_channel_to_raw_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Like in_channel_to_raw_item_stream but each call to may raise Error _
in_channel_to_raw_item_stream_exn [Biocaml_bam]
Create a stream of raw_items from an input-channel (any call to may throw an Error _ exception).
in_range [Biocaml_histogram]
in_range hist x is true if x greater than or equal to minimum hist and strictly less than maximum hist.
in_sbml [Biocaml_sbml]
Returns an sb_model read from input stream
incr_line [Biocaml_pos]
incr_line ?n pos increments the line number of pos by n.
increment [Biocaml_histogram]
increment delt hist x increments the count of the bin containing x by delt (default is 1.0).
input [Biocaml_bgzf]
input ic buf pos len reads at most len characters in file ic, stores them in string buf at position pos, and returns the number of characters actually read.
input_char [Biocaml_bgzf]
input_s16 [Biocaml_bgzf]
input_s32 [Biocaml_bgzf]
input_s8 [Biocaml_bgzf]
input_string [Biocaml_bgzf]
Same as really_input but returns the result in a fresh string.
input_u16 [Biocaml_bgzf]
input_u8 [Biocaml_bgzf]
inter [Biocaml_iset]
Compute the intersection of two sets.
inter [Biocaml_rSet]
Set intersection.
inter [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
intersect [Biocaml_range]
intersect u v returns the range representing the intersection of u and v.
intersecting_elems [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LMap]
intersecting_elems lmap loc returns a stream of elements in lmap whose location intersects with loc.
intersecting_elems [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LSet]
intersecting_elems lset loc returns a stream of all locations in lset that intersect loc.
intersects [Biocaml_interval_tree]
intersects a b t returns true if one interval in t intersects with the interval [a;b].
intersects [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LMap]
intersects lmap loc returns true if loc has a non-empty intersection with one of the locations in lmap, and returns false otherwise
intersects [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LSet]
intersects lset loc returns true if loc has a non-empty intersection with one of the locations in lset, and returns false otherwise
intersects [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
intersects loc sel returns true if loc has a non-empty intersection with sel, and false otherwise.
intersects_range [Biocaml_iset]
is_empty [Biocaml_iset]
Test whether a set is empty, returns true if the set is empty.
is_empty [Biocaml_rSet]
Return true if given set is empty.
is_empty [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Tell if the parser's buffers are empty or not.
is_empty [Biocaml_interval_tree]
is_nucleic_acid [Biocaml_seq]
True if given character represents one of the allowed nucleic acid codes, case-insensitive.
item_of_line [Biocaml_bed]
Basic parsing of a single line.
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_psl]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_lines]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_gff]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_fastq]
item_of_sexp [Biocaml_bed]
item_to_bed_graph [Biocaml_wig.Transform]
Create a transform which converts `variable_step_value _ and `fixed_step_value _ values to `bed_graph_value _ values, using the current state.
item_to_line [Biocaml_table.Row.Transform]
Create a Biocaml_transform.t that converts rows to lines using the first separator in the tags or '\t' if none (default tags: Biocaml_table.Row.Tags.default).
item_to_line [Biocaml_bed]
Basic “printing” of one single item.
item_to_raw [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Transform]
Create a transform that downgrades items to raw_items
item_to_raw [Biocaml_bam.Transform]
Create a transform that downgrades Sam.items to raw_items.
item_to_raw_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
item_to_raw_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam.Error]
item_to_string [Biocaml_wig.Transform]
Create the transform that prints item values to strings.
item_to_string [Biocaml_wig]
Convert an item to a string (including new line characters).
item_to_string [Biocaml_lines.Transform]
Return a transform that output Line.items to strings (in other words a buffer with the lines plus their end-of-line character).
item_to_string [Biocaml_gff.Transform]
Create a printer for a given version.
item_to_string [Biocaml_gff]
Convert an item to a string.
item_to_string [Biocaml_fastq]
This function converts item values to strings that can be dumped to a file, i.e.
item_to_string [Biocaml_bed.Transform]
Create a Biocaml_transform.t which “prints” BED data (reminder: includes ends-of-line).
item_type_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row]
iter [Biocaml_iset]
iter f t calls f once for each element of t
iter [Biocaml_bpmap]
iter_range [Biocaml_iset]
iter_range ~f t calls f once for each contiguous range of t.

last_segment [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
last_segment [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
leaf [Biocaml_msg.Tree]
length [Biocaml_seq]
Length of sequence.
level [Biocaml_zip.Default]
The default compression level used in
line_parsing_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row.Error]
line_to_item [Biocaml_table.Row.Transform]
Create a Biocaml_transform.t that converts lines to table-rows according to the tags (default: Biocaml_table.Row.Tags.default).
line_to_item [Biocaml_psl]
load [Biocaml_jaspar]
Loads a database in SQL dump format, as available at Jaspar website
log [Biocaml_math]
log10 [Biocaml_math]
Base 10 logarithm.
log2 [Biocaml_math]
Base 2 logarithm.
lstrip [Biocaml_line]
ltqnorm [Biocaml_math]
Lower tail quantile for standard normal distribution function.

mad [Biocaml_math]
Median absolute deviation (MAD).
make [Biocaml_internal_utils.Debug]
make [Biocaml_transform]
make ~feed ~next () creates a transform that can be fed with feed and read from with next.
make [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
make [Biocaml_range]
make lo hi returns the range {lo; hi}.
make [Biocaml_pwm]
Builds a PWM from a count_matrix and a background
make [Biocaml_pos]
make [Biocaml_lines.Transform]
Build a stoppable line-oriented parsing_buffer.
make [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Make a new empty buffer.
make [Biocaml_histogram]
make cmp bins returns a new histogram from the given bins, all initialized to a count of 0.0.
make_general [Biocaml_transform]
The most general way to make a transform.
make_merge_error [Biocaml_lines.Transform]
Do like make but merge `incomplete_input _ with the errors of ~next (which must be polymorphic variants).
make_random [Biocaml_range]
make_result [Biocaml_transform]
Like Biocaml_transform.make but the output is a Result.t.
make_uniform [Biocaml_histogram]
make_uniform min max n returns a histogram with n bins uniformly dividing up the range from min to max.
make_unsafe [Biocaml_range]
map [Biocaml_internal_utils.Result.List]
mapi [Biocaml_internal_utils.Result.List]
Map the function f over the list, stopping on the first error encountered.
mapq [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
mass [Biocaml_mzData.Precursor]
mass p return the mass of the precursor p without charge.
math_to_string [Biocaml_sbml]
Returns a string with sb_math converted into a S-expression
max [Biocaml_math]
Return maximum value in given array.
max_array_length_error [Biocaml_msg]
String explaining OCaml's array length limitation on 32-bit machines.
max_as_char [Biocaml_phred_score]
max_elt [Biocaml_iset]
Returns the maximum element in the set
max_gap_of_positional [Biocaml_range]
Return maximum gap between adjacent pairs of given ranges.
maximum [Biocaml_histogram]
Upper limit of the maximum bin.
mean [Biocaml_math]
median [Biocaml_math]
mem [Biocaml_iset]
test whether a given int is a member of the set
member [Biocaml_range]
member t k returns true if t contains k.
min [Biocaml_math]
Return minimum value in given array.
min_as_char [Biocaml_phred_score]
The min and max PHRED scores when encoded as ASCII characters.
min_elt [Biocaml_iset]
Returns the minimum element in the set
minimum [Biocaml_histogram]
Lower limit of the minimum bin.
minus [Biocaml_strand]
minus_plus [Biocaml_strand]
Return '-' or '+'.
mix [Biocaml_transform]
mix t u returns a transform that takes as input a pair of the inputs expected by t and u, and outputs either both outputs, or, when one transform has reach the end of its stream, the output of the remaining one (as `left _ or `right _).
mm [Biocaml_cel]
Similar to but the data returned are the MM mean intensity values in cels.

name [Biocaml_transform]
name t returns the name of t.
name_of_line [Biocaml_fastq]
Low-level Parsing
negative_predictive_value [Biocaml_bin_pred]
next [Biocaml_transform]
next t returns an output value if possible, `not_ready if t needs to be fed with more input before it can produce an output, or `end_of_stream if t has been stopped and has no more data.
next_line [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Get the next line.
next_line_exn [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Get the next line, but throw No_next_line if there is no line to return.
next_segment_unmapped [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
next_segment_unmapped [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
next_seq_is_reverse_complemented [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
next_seq_is_reverse_complemented [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
not_passing_quality_controls [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
not_passing_quality_controls [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
nth [Biocaml_seq]
nth t i returns the ith nucleic acid in sequence t.
num_bins [Biocaml_histogram]
Number of bins.
num_probes [Biocaml_bpmap]
Number of PM/MM probe pairs in given BPMAP.

odd [Biocaml_math]
True if given integer is odd.
of_arabic [Biocaml_roman_num]
Convert integer to roman numeral.
of_ascii [Biocaml_solexa_score]
of_ascii x returns the PHRED score encoded by ASCII character x.
of_buffer [Biocaml_seq]
Make sequence from buffer.
of_buffer_unsafe [Biocaml_seq]
of_channel [Biocaml_sgr]
of_channel [Biocaml_lines]
Get a stream of lines out of an input-channel.
of_char [Biocaml_phred_score]
of_char ~offset x returns the PHRED score encoded by ASCII character x.
of_char_stream [Biocaml_lines]
Parse a stream of characters into a stream of lines.
of_chr_lists [Biocaml_sgr]
of_file [Biocaml_sgr]
of_file [Biocaml_mzData]
of_file fname returns the spectra contained in the file fname.
of_file [Biocaml_cel]
Parse given file if possible.
of_file [Biocaml_bpmap]
of_file file parses file.
of_file [Biocaml_bar]
Parse file.
of_file_opt [Biocaml_cel]
Parse given file if possible.
of_function [Biocaml_transform]
of_function f is like identity () but the transform outputs are passed to the function f.
of_in_channel [Biocaml_bgzf]
Uses a regular channel to read a BGZF compressed file.
of_int [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
of_int [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
of_int [Biocaml_phred_score]
of_int x returns the PHRED score with the same value x, or returns Error if x is negative.
of_line [Biocaml_table.Row]
Parse a Line.t into a row while specifying a format.
of_list [Biocaml_iset]
Build a ISet.t out of a list or enum of ranges
of_list [Biocaml_sgr]
of_object [Biocaml_transform]
of_out_channel [Biocaml_bgzf]
Uses a regular channel to write a BGZF compressed file.
of_probability [Biocaml_solexa_score]
of_probability ~f x returns -10 * log_10(x/(1-x)), which is the definition of Solexa scores.
of_probability [Biocaml_phred_score]
of_probability ~f x returns -10 * log_10(x), which is the definition of PHRED scores.
of_range_list [Biocaml_rSet]
Construct the set of integers representing the union of integers in all given ranges.
of_roman [Biocaml_roman_num]
Parse string as a roman numeral if possible.
of_sam [Biocaml_bam_alt.Header]
of_solexa_score [Biocaml_phred_score]
of_solexa_score x converts Solexa score x to a PHRED score.
of_stream [Biocaml_iset]
of_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Signal]
of_stream f ls builds a signal from a collection of annotated locations.
of_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LMap]
of_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LSet]
of_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
of_stream e computes a selection (i.e.
of_stream [Biocaml_accu.Relation]
of_stream [Biocaml_accu.Counter]
of_string [Biocaml_wig.Tags]
Parse tags (for now S-Expressions).
of_string [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Parse the description of the tags (for now S-Expressions).
of_string [Biocaml_strand]
Convert string to strand name if possible.
of_string [Biocaml_seq_range]
Parses a string representation of a sequence range, as <seq>:<start>-<end>
of_string [Biocaml_seq]
Make sequence from string.
of_string [Biocaml_lines]
Get a stream of lines out a string
of_string [Biocaml_gff.Tags]
Parse tags (for now S-Expressions).
of_string_unsafe [Biocaml_seq]
Make a sequence from given buffer or string.
of_string_unsafe [Biocaml_line]
Return the given string without checking that it is a line.
offset_of_sexp [Biocaml_phred_score]
on_error [Biocaml_transform]
Like on_output but on the erroneous part of the output.
on_input [Biocaml_transform]
on_input f t returns a transform that converts its inputs with f and feeds the results to t.
on_ok [Biocaml_transform]
Like on_output but on the successful part of the output.
on_output [Biocaml_transform]
on_output t f returns a transform that behaves like t except the outputs are first converted by f.
open_in [Biocaml_bgzf]
Opens a BGZF file for reading.
open_out [Biocaml_bgzf]
open_out ~level fn opens the file at path fn for writing a BGZF-compressed file with compression level level (default is 6, legal values are 1 to 9).
open_out_safe [Biocaml_internal_utils]
Like open_out but will not overwrite existing file.
optional_content_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
optional_content_parsing_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
optional_content_value_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
optional_field [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_value_A [Biocaml_sam]
Low-level Optional field Parsers and Constructors
optional_field_value_B [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_value_H [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_value_Z [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_value_f [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_value_i [Biocaml_sam]
optional_field_value_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
The constructor encodes the TYPE and each carries its corresponding VALUE.
optional_fields [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
output [Biocaml_bgzf]
output oc buf pos len writes len characters of string buf from position pos into the compressed file oc.
output_char [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_s16 [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_s8 oz n writes a signed representation of n, if n is between -32768 and 32767.
output_s32 [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_s32 oz n writes a signed representation of n.
output_s8 [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_s8 oz n writes a signed representation of n, if n is between -128 and 127.
output_string [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_u16 [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_u16 oz n writes the 16 least significant bits onto channel oz
output_u8 [Biocaml_bgzf]
output_u8 oz n writes the 8 least significant bits onto channel oz
overlap [Biocaml_range]
overlap u v returns amount of overlap between two ranges.
overlap [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]

parse_alignment [Biocaml_sam]
parse_cigar [Biocaml_sam]
parse_cigar [Biocaml_bam]
Parse CIGAR operations from a string (c.f.
parse_cigar_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam.Error]
parse_cigar_text [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Parse CIGAR operations from a string.
parse_error_to_string [Biocaml_vcf]
parse_flags [Biocaml_sam]
parse_header [Biocaml_sam]
parse_header_item [Biocaml_sam]
parse_header_item_tag [Biocaml_sam]
parse_header_line [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Parse a header line form a string.
parse_header_line [Biocaml_sam]
parse_header_version [Biocaml_sam]
parse_item0 [Biocaml_fasta]
parse_mapq [Biocaml_sam]
parse_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
parse_optional [Biocaml_bam]
Parse optional content from a string (c.f.
parse_optional_content [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Parse optional content from a “tokenized” string.
parse_optional_field [Biocaml_sam]
parse_optional_field_value [Biocaml_sam]
parse_optional_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam.Error]
parse_platform [Biocaml_sam]
parse_pnext [Biocaml_sam]
parse_pos [Biocaml_sam]
parse_program [Biocaml_sam]
parse_qname [Biocaml_sam]
parse_qual [Biocaml_sam]
parse_read_group [Biocaml_sam]
parse_ref_seq [Biocaml_sam]
parse_rname [Biocaml_sam]
parse_rnext [Biocaml_sam]
parse_seq [Biocaml_sam]
parse_sort_order [Biocaml_sam]
parse_tag_value [Biocaml_sam]
parse_tlen [Biocaml_sam]
parsing_base_of_sexp [Biocaml_bed.Error]
parsing_error_to_string [Biocaml_wig.Error]
Convert a parsing error to a string.
parsing_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig.Error]
parsing_of_sexp [Biocaml_track.Error]
parsing_of_sexp [Biocaml_gff.Error]
parsing_of_sexp [Biocaml_bed.Error]
parsing_spec_of_sexp [Biocaml_bed]
partition [Biocaml_iset]
partitions the input set into two sets with elements that satisfy the predicate and those that don't
pcr_or_optical_duplicate [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
pcr_or_optical_duplicate [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
pearson [Biocaml_math]
pearson arr1 arr2 computes the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of two float arrays.
peek_line [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Peek at the next line, without removing it from the buffer.
performance_curve [Biocaml_bin_pred]
performance_curve ~scores ~labels returns the series of confusion matrices obtained by varying the threshold from infinity to neg_infinity.
platform_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
plus [Biocaml_strand]
pm [Biocaml_cel]
Similar to but the data returned are the PM mean intensity values in cels.
pm_mm [Biocaml_cel]
Similar to but the data returned are the PM-MM mean intensity values in cels.
pnext [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
pos [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
positive_predictive_value [Biocaml_bin_pred]
precision [Biocaml_bin_pred]
same as positive_predictive_value
prediction_values [Biocaml_math]
prediction_values tp tn fp fn takes 4 arguments: the number of true-positives tp, true-negatives tn, false-positives fp, and false-negatives fn.
print [Biocaml_interval_tree]
Used for debugging purpose, should be removed in the long run
print_alignment [Biocaml_sam]
print_bug [Biocaml_msg]
Print an error, warning, or bug.
print_cigar [Biocaml_sam]
print_cigar_op [Biocaml_sam]
print_err [Biocaml_msg]
print_flags [Biocaml_sam]
print_header_item_tag [Biocaml_sam]
Low-level Header Printers
print_header_line [Biocaml_sam]
print_header_version [Biocaml_sam]
print_mapq [Biocaml_sam]
print_optional_field [Biocaml_sam]
print_other [Biocaml_sam]
print_platform [Biocaml_sam]
print_pnext [Biocaml_sam]
print_pos [Biocaml_sam]
print_program [Biocaml_sam]
print_qname [Biocaml_sam]
Low-level Alignment Printers
print_qual [Biocaml_sam]
print_read_group [Biocaml_sam]
print_ref_seq [Biocaml_sam]
print_rname [Biocaml_sam]
print_rnext [Biocaml_sam]
print_seq [Biocaml_sam]
print_sort_order [Biocaml_sam]
print_tag_value [Biocaml_sam]
print_tlen [Biocaml_sam]
print_warn [Biocaml_msg]
product [Biocaml_accu]
product filter f l1 l2 computes an histogram of values returned by f when it is applied for all combinations of elements in l1 and l2 such that the predicate filter is true
program_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
pseudomedian [Biocaml_math]
Pseudomedian is the median of all pairwise averages of values in given array (not including self-pairs).

qname [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
qual [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
qualities_of_line [Biocaml_fastq]
qualities sequence line parses given qualities line in the context of a previously parsed sequence.
quantile_normalization [Biocaml_math]
Input matrix m should be arranged such that m.(i).(j) is the ith measurement in experiment j.
queued_lines [Biocaml_lines.Buffer]
Get the number of lines ready-to-use in the buffer/queue.

range [Biocaml_internal_utils.Array]
range xs is the stream of all valid indices in xs
range [Biocaml_math]
range step first last returns array [|first; first +.
range_floats [Biocaml_math]
range_ints [Biocaml_math]
ranges [Biocaml_iset]
Returns a list of all contiguous ranges in the set
rank [Biocaml_math]
rank arr returns an array of ranked values, where ties are given the mean of what the rank would otherwise be.
raw_alignment_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam]
raw_bam_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam.Error]
raw_item_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam]
raw_to_item [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Transform]
Create a transform that lifts raw_items to items
raw_to_item [Biocaml_bam.Transform]
Create a transform that lifts raw_items to the higher-level representation defined in the Biocaml_sam module.
raw_to_item_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
raw_to_item_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam.Error]
raw_to_string [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Transform]
Create a printing "stoppable" transform.
raw_to_string [Biocaml_bam.Transform]
Create a transform that “prints” raw_items in the BAM format.
read [Biocaml_sam.MakeIO]
read [Biocaml_lines.MakeIO]
read [Biocaml_fastq.MakeIO]
read [Biocaml_fasta]
read [Biocaml_bam_alt]
read ic returns an error if a valid header cannot be read from ic or a pair containing a header and a stream of possibly errored alignments.
read0 [Biocaml_fasta]
read0 [Biocaml_bam_alt]
read0 ic returns an error if a valid header cannot be read from ic or a pair containing a header and a stream of possibly errored (partially parsed) alignments.
read_group [Biocaml_sam]
The run_date string will be parsed as a Date.t or Time.t, whichever is possible.
read_group_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
really_input [Biocaml_bgzf]
Same as input but reads exactly len characters.
recall [Biocaml_bin_pred]
same as sensitivity
record_of_sexp [Biocaml_gff]
ref_seq [Biocaml_sam]
ref_seq_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
reference_sequence [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
Create a reference sequence.
relation [Biocaml_accu]
remove [Biocaml_iset]
Remove an element from the given set, returning a new set
remove_range [Biocaml_iset]
remove_range lo hi t removes a range of elements from the given set, returning a new set
reset [Biocaml_histogram]
Return histogram with same bins but all counts reset to 0.0.
rev_fwd [Biocaml_strand]
Return "rev" or "fwd".
reverse_complement [Biocaml_pwm]
Reverse complement of a PWM
rms [Biocaml_math]
Root mean square.
rname [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
rnext [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
rnext_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
roc_curve [Biocaml_bin_pred]
roc_curve ~scores ~labels returns the ROC curve of the prediction, and the associated Area Under Curve (AUC)
row [Biocaml_math]
row m i returns the ith row of matrix m.
row_to_string [Biocaml_bpmap]
String representation of row in same format as required by specification.
rp_curve [Biocaml_bin_pred]
rstrip [Biocaml_line]

scale [Biocaml_bar]
Return scale data is reported in, e.g.
scan [Biocaml_pwm]
scan mat seq tol returns the list of positions (with corresponding scores) such that the alignment score of mat is superior to tol
search [Biocaml_entrez.Make.Gene]
search [Biocaml_entrez.Make.Pubmed]
search [Biocaml_entrez.Make.PubmedSummary]
secondary_alignment [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
secondary_alignment [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
section [Biocaml_bar]
section t name returns the section named name.
sectioni [Biocaml_bar]
sectioni t i returns the i'th section.
sections [Biocaml_bar]
Return all sections in t.
segment_unmapped [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
segment_unmapped [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
sensitivity [Biocaml_bin_pred]
separators [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Get the list of separators defined in t.
seq [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
seq [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
seq_is_reverse_complemented [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Flags]
seq_is_reverse_complemented [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
sequence_id_of_string [Biocaml_fastq.Illumina]
Parse a name string to a structured Illumina sequence_id.
sequence_of_line [Biocaml_fastq]
sequence_to_int_list [Biocaml_fasta]
Parse a space separated list of integers.
sexp_of_alignment [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
sexp_of_alignment [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_bed_graph_value [Biocaml_wig]
sexp_of_cigar_op [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
sexp_of_cigar_op [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_comment [Biocaml_wig]
sexp_of_fixed_step [Biocaml_wig]
sexp_of_header_item [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_header_item_tag [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_header_line [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_wig]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_table.Row]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_psl]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_lines]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_gff]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_fastq]
sexp_of_item [Biocaml_bed]
sexp_of_item_to_raw [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
sexp_of_item_to_raw [Biocaml_bam.Error]
sexp_of_item_type [Biocaml_table.Row]
sexp_of_line_parsing [Biocaml_table.Row.Error]
sexp_of_offset [Biocaml_phred_score]
sexp_of_optional_content [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
sexp_of_optional_content_parsing [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
sexp_of_optional_content_value [Biocaml_sam_deprecated]
sexp_of_optional_field [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_optional_field_value [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_parse [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
sexp_of_parse_cigar [Biocaml_bam.Error]
sexp_of_parse_optional [Biocaml_bam.Error]
sexp_of_parsing [Biocaml_wig.Error]
sexp_of_parsing [Biocaml_track.Error]
sexp_of_parsing [Biocaml_gff.Error]
sexp_of_parsing [Biocaml_bed.Error]
sexp_of_parsing_base [Biocaml_bed.Error]
sexp_of_parsing_spec [Biocaml_bed]
sexp_of_platform [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_program [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_raw_alignment [Biocaml_bam]
sexp_of_raw_bam [Biocaml_bam.Error]
sexp_of_raw_item [Biocaml_bam]
sexp_of_raw_to_item [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
sexp_of_raw_to_item [Biocaml_bam.Error]
sexp_of_read_group [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_record [Biocaml_gff]
sexp_of_ref_seq [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_rnext [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_sort_order [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_string_to_raw [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_zip.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_wig.Tags]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_wig.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_track.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_table.Row.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_table.Row]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_range]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_pos]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_phred_score]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_line]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_gff.Tags]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_gff.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_bed.Error]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
sexp_of_t [Biocaml_bam.Error]
sexp_of_t_type [Biocaml_table.Row]
sexp_of_tag_value [Biocaml_sam]
sexp_of_to_bed_graph [Biocaml_wig.Error]
sexp_of_unzip [Biocaml_zip.Error]
sexp_of_variable_step [Biocaml_wig]
shuffle [Biocaml_math]
shuffle arr takes an array and randomly shuffles it.
singleton [Biocaml_iset]
Return the singleton set containing only the given element
size [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
size [Biocaml_rSet]
Number of elements in set.
size [Biocaml_range]
size v returns the number of integers in v, i.e.
size [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
slice [Biocaml_seq]
slice first last t returns the sub-sequence, or slice, of t starting from index first to last (inclusive).
sort_order_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
spearman [Biocaml_math]
spearman arr1 arr2 computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient of two float arrays.
specificity [Biocaml_bin_pred]
split [Biocaml_line]
split_and_merge [Biocaml_transform]
split_and_merge t u ~split ~merge returns a transform whose input is split using split, passing the result either to t or u, and then the outputs of t and u are combined using merge.
split_name [Biocaml_fastq]
Split a name string into a sequence identifier and an optional description.
stdv [Biocaml_math]
Standard deviation.
stop [Biocaml_transform]
stop t declares t to be stopped, which means subsequent calls to:
stream [Biocaml_accu.Relation]
stream [Biocaml_accu.Counter]
stream [Biocaml_accu]
stream_to_out_channel [Biocaml_transform]
stream_to_out_channel xs t oc consumes a stream of 'inputs using t to transform them into strings, which are then written on the out_channel oc.
strict_after [Biocaml_range]
strict_after u v is equivalent to strict_before v u.
strict_before [Biocaml_range]
strict_before u v is true if u.lo < v.lo && u.hi < v.hi.
strict_cell_type [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Tell whether one should be strict about the types of the cells (defined with `format _).
strict_row_length [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Tell whether one should be strict about the minimal number of cells per row (defined with `format _).
strict_subset [Biocaml_range]
strict_subset u v is true if u is a strict subset of v.
strict_superset [Biocaml_range]
strict_superset u v is true if u is a strict superset of v.
string_content_to_string [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a printer for track files containing `content line lines.
string_to_bed [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a composite parser for UCSC Bed(Graph) files.
string_to_gff [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a composite parser for UCSC GFF files.
string_to_item [Biocaml_wig.Transform]
Create the parsing Biocaml_transform.t.
string_to_item [Biocaml_vcf.Transform]
string_to_item [Biocaml_psl.Transform]
string_to_item [Biocaml_lines.Transform]
Return a transform that converts a stream of arbitrary strings to a stream of lines.
string_to_item [Biocaml_gff.Transform]
Create a parsing Biocaml_transform.t for a given version.
string_to_item [Biocaml_bed.Transform]
Create a Biocaml_transform.t-based parser, while providing the format of the additional columns (default `strings).
string_to_lines [Biocaml_line]
string_to_lines s splits s on newline characters, returning the resuling list of lines.
string_to_raw [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Transform]
Create a parsing "stoppable" transform.
string_to_raw [Biocaml_bam.Transform]
Create a transform that parses a BAM file.
string_to_raw_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
string_to_string_content [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a parser that gets the "track", comment, and "browser" lines and puts the other lines in `content _.
string_to_wig [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a composite parser for UCSC WIG files.
strip [Biocaml_line]
subset [Biocaml_iset]
subset t u returns true if t is a subset of u
subset [Biocaml_rSet]
subset s t returns true if s is a subset of t.
subset [Biocaml_range]
subset u v is true if u is a subset of v.
superset [Biocaml_range]
superset u v is true if u is a superset of v.
supplementary_alignment [Biocaml_sam.Flags]

t_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam_deprecated.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_zip.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig.Tags]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_track.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam.Flags]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_range]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_pos]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_phred_score]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_line]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_gff.Tags]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_gff.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_bed.Error]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
t_of_sexp [Biocaml_bam.Error]
t_type_of_sexp [Biocaml_table.Row]
tag_value_of_sexp [Biocaml_sam]
A tag-value pair comprising the content of header items.
tandem [Biocaml_pwm]
tandem orientation spacer cm1 cm2 bg builds a PWM by constructing a composite motif: it builds mat1 the PWM from cm1 under background bg (resp.
tick [Biocaml_accu.Counter]
tile_of_string [Biocaml_fastq.Illumina]
tile_to_string [Biocaml_fastq.Illumina]
Inverse of tile_of_string.
tlen [Biocaml_bam_alt.Alignment0]
to_arabic [Biocaml_roman_num]
Integer representation of a roman numeral.
to_arabic [Biocaml_chr]
to_arabic s returns the canonical Arabic representation of s.
to_ascii [Biocaml_solexa_score]
to_ascii t encodes t as an ASCII character.
to_backwards_stream [Biocaml_interval_tree]
to_bed_graph_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig.Error]
to_channel [Biocaml_sgr]
to_channel [Biocaml_lines]
Write a stream of lines to an output-channel.
to_char [Biocaml_phred_score]
to_char t encodes t as a visible ASCII character (codes 33 - 126) if possible.
to_chr_lists [Biocaml_sgr]
Outer list will be in ascending order by chr, and inner lists will be in ascending order by coord.
to_file [Biocaml_sgr]
Items will be printed in ascending order by (chr,coord).
to_file [Biocaml_bpmap]
to_file file t prints t to file in format required by specification.
to_int [Biocaml_phred_score]
Convert a PHRED score to an integer.
to_line [Biocaml_table.Row]
Write the row to a Line.t.
to_list [Biocaml_sgr]
Items will be returned in ascending order by (chr,coord).
to_list [Biocaml_rSet]
Return set of integers as a list.
to_list [Biocaml_range]
to_list v returns the set of integers contained in v, in ascending order.
to_list [Biocaml_histogram]
Return a list of all bin/count pairs.
to_list [Biocaml_bpmap]
to_list [Biocaml_bar]
Return the data as a list of triplets (chr,pos,v) representing the chromosome name, probe position, and value.
to_object [Biocaml_transform]
to_probability [Biocaml_solexa_score]
to_probablity x converts x to a probablity score.
to_probability [Biocaml_phred_score]
to_probablity x converts x to a probablity score.
to_range_list [Biocaml_rSet]
Return set of integers as a minimal list of non-overlapping ranges in ascending order by their coordinates.
to_roman [Biocaml_roman_num]
String representation of a roman numeral.
to_roman [Biocaml_chr]
to_roman s returns the canonical Roman representation of s.
to_roman_exn [Biocaml_chr]
to_sam [Biocaml_bam_alt.Header]
to_solexa_score [Biocaml_phred_score]
to_solexa_score t converts PHRED score t to a Solexa score.
to_stream [Biocaml_iset]
Enumerates all contiguous ranges in the set
to_stream [Biocaml_interval_tree]
to_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Signal]
stream over all constant intervals of the function, in increasing order
to_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LMap]
to_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.LSet]
to_stream [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
to_stream_fun [Biocaml_transform]
to_stream_fun t returns a function f that behaves like t but the inputs and outputs are on standard OCaml streams.
to_string [Biocaml_wig.Tags]
Serialize tags (for now S-Expressions).
to_string [Biocaml_table.Row.Tags]
Serialize tags.
to_string [Biocaml_seq_range.Identifier]
to_string [Biocaml_seq_range.Make]
to_string [Biocaml_seq]
Return string representation of sequence.
to_string [Biocaml_range]
String representation of an range, intended only for human legibility.
to_string [Biocaml_pos]
Print string in a human legible format.
to_string [Biocaml_msg.Tree]
to_string [Biocaml_line]
to_string [Biocaml_gff.Tags]
Serialize tags (for now S-Expressions).
to_string [Biocaml_entrez.Make.Object_id]
transpose [Biocaml_math]
transpose m transpose the given matrix m.
try_finally_exn [Biocaml_internal_utils]
try_finally_exn fend f a will run x = f a, then run fend a, and finally return x.

unescape [Biocaml_internal_utils.Url]
Convert a string containing "%HX" escaped characters to a normal string.
union [Biocaml_iset]
Compute the union of two sets.
union [Biocaml_rSet]
Set union.
union [Biocaml_range]
union u v returns the range(s) representing the union of u and v.
union [Biocaml_genomeMap.Make.Selection]
unknown [Biocaml_pos]
Position with all fields set to None.
until [Biocaml_iset]
until ~n t returns the portion of t in the range min_int, n
unzip [Biocaml_zip.Transform]
Create a transform that uncompresses a stream.
unzip_in_channel [Biocaml_zip]
Decompress an Input Channel.
unzip_in_channel_exn [Biocaml_zip]
Like unzip_in_channel but calls to may raise Error e exceptions.
unzip_of_sexp [Biocaml_zip.Error]

variable_step_of_sexp [Biocaml_wig]
variance [Biocaml_math]
version [Biocaml_about]
Version: "0.4-dev"

warn [Biocaml_msg]
wig_to_string [Biocaml_track.Transform]
Create a printer for track files containing WIG lines.
wilcoxon_rank_sum [Biocaml_math]
wilcoxon_rank_sum ~alpha=(float) arr1 arr2 performs the Wilcoxon rank sum test on two arrays with an optional argument alpha, set to 0.05 by default.
wilcoxon_rank_sum_to_p [Biocaml_math]
Performs the wilcoxon rank sum on two float arrays and returns the p-value.
wilcoxon_rank_sum_to_z [Biocaml_math]
As below, except returns a z value.
with_file [Biocaml_fasta]
with_file [Biocaml_bam_alt]
with_file fn ~f opens a BAM file for reading, applies f and closes the file after that, even if f raises an exception.
with_file0 [Biocaml_bam_alt]
with_file fn ~f opens a BAM file for reading, applies f and closes the file after that, even if f raises an exception.
with_file_in [Biocaml_bgzf]
with_file_in fn ~f opens a channel for reading, pass it to f, and returns the result after having closed the channel.
with_file_out [Biocaml_bgzf]
with_file_out ~level fn ~f opens a file for writing at compression level level (default is 6), passes the channel to f and returns the result after closing the channel.
write [Biocaml_sam.MakeIO]
write [Biocaml_lines.MakeIO]
write [Biocaml_fastq.MakeIO]
write [Biocaml_bam_alt]
write h xs oc writes the header h and the alignments xs to oc.
write0 [Biocaml_bam_alt]
write0 h xs oc writes the header h and (partially parsed) alignments xs to oc.
write_file [Biocaml_sam.MakeIO]
write_file [Biocaml_lines.MakeIO]
write_file [Biocaml_fastq.MakeIO]

zip [Biocaml_zip.Transform]
Create a transform that writes compressed data.
zip_in_channel [Biocaml_zip]
Compress an Input Channel.
zlib_buffer_size [Biocaml_zip.Default]
The default size of the internal buffer used by the ZLib library.